I must confess, I was a POMI for a while. I think I even lost a good friend I discovered had left the BORG because I said to him I had hoped to "return". I truly regret that. However, I found that being POMI is not a permanent or terminal condition. After I read Franz' COC and asked the Service Desk in Brooklyn about the contradiction between what happened in Malawi (with Witnesses refusing to buy a party card) and in Mexico (where males have to "register" for military service at least officially) that I started to retreat. After the headquarter's reply (a non-reply) I received, it put the nail in the coffin for me. I became a POMO! Considering my previous state, it was a relatively quick transformation, although not over night.
Over the years, my re-evaluation of everything has been truly profound. I didn't just question the JWs. I questioned the very foundation of belief and why must there be a Supreme Being when everything around me that I consider reality seemed to contradict any religious ideas I had learned.
So, there's hope for POMIs that they may encounter a revelation like I did. Being physically out provides the advantage of exposing people to alternate ideas. The reverse is true in more than one way: Someone who is physically in but mentally out may decide to return or finally get the hell out. Whatever happens, it didn't happen fast enough for me and so I see where the frustration comes into it.