"Why not just get your Nephilum kids onto Noah's ark?"
It was either a sold-out event or the Nephilim couldn't fit through the door.
unlike men who took no note, surely the fallen angels knew of gods plan to flood the earth, so why didn't they build an ark(s) for their nephilum sons?
"Why not just get your Nephilum kids onto Noah's ark?"
It was either a sold-out event or the Nephilim couldn't fit through the door.
i actually have been reading these forums for about two years now and just decided to finally register.
where does one go to make a proper intro post?
edit: alrighty then, i guess i will do my little intro here.
Welcome, Rubyvixen! I applaud your sense of independent thinking and criticality, especially when you have such an influential family lineage in the JWs. I hope to hear more from you.
like many, i’ve been bemused at lloyd evan’s excuses/reasons for his lusting after prostitutes.
apparently, as he claims in his disastrous video, he blames his wife for being inadequate between the sheets.. could the real answer to his ‘problem’ be closer to home?.
perhaps if he consulted a medical person or even a sex therapist he may learn his “problem” is not down to the borg at all, it may simply be caused by his weight i.e.
Sexual incompatibility may mean many things. Perhaps one likes oral sex and the other does not want to give it. It could be that, due to past repressive upbringing, a person only wants and performs "missionary". The level of dissatisfaction may bring strain into a marriage or relationship. For some people, it takes an elaborate session of foreplay to get it up and going. If you need some pom-poms or a strip-tease to get your rocks off, it should be worked out between the individuals. If it can't be worked out, then there is some sexual incompatibility.
Still, that's something that should be worked out privately and is no one else's business. If one strays after years of not getting what he or she wants, a paid service will probably give it to them. Sexual habits are hard to break. We criticize the controls the JWs have placed on us regarding sex and most of us agree that it is none of their business what a couple does in private. I don't see why criticize Lloyd's actions, even if we don't agree with them. It was a private matter that seems to me was outed by someone else out of spite. There was no need or urgency to reveal his personal foibles.
For Lloyd and for his marriage to continue, something has to change. But if it doesn't, life can go on in a different manner and with somebody else who is more compatible. I think it's easy for some of us to make determinations about his conduct without understanding the conditioning and pressures an individual goes may have experienced.
i am partaking of the bread and the wine today.
who else is partaking also?.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind throwing a wrench in their gears by participating and raising the count. I just don't care to do that and I'm not inclined to even go near such a repugnant ceremony.
yes, i am posting again.
i could not for awhile technologically and it is now fixed thanks to simon.
thanks, simon!
Welcome back. I'm back too and look forward to your very intelligent comments.
i cannot find written anywhere that after 6 months without preaching activities reported you are considered an inactive jw.. where is this written?
or is it a non-written rule?.
I've often wondered what they have on me and if, after 40 plus years missing in action they still have my card or my name or any data about me.
Considering that the Israelites actually invented themselves and maneuvered to create a legacy story of themselves as a people, dispite it's age, the artifact may have been contrived to sustain an image. That's just a subjective opinion. But like all of us must do, we need to wait for a conclusion by the real experts on the matter.
how can taking oaths of allegiance to the usa align with political neutrality?.
oath of allegiance to the united states of america.
in 1891 charles taze russell pledged the oath of allegiance.. .
Very, very interesting. Although, it would be a problem showing this to my still-JW siblings or any other JW without specific sources. The documents look legit. But it would be very easy for any of them to claim they were manufactured or photoshopped. Can you give a little bit of background on how and from where they ended up in your post? Thanks. Etude.
i'm surprised i only noticed this just now, deuteronomy 23:1:.
"no man who has been castrated by having his testicles crushed or who has had his male organ cut off may come...".
In the 17th Century, castration became nefariously popular, starting in Italy. Boys were castrated between the ages of 7 and 9 years old, with the purpose of retaining their angelic vocal tones for the church choirs and never going through puberty. Of course, they mainly used boys of poor families who were compensated by the care and keeping of the boys while going through extensive vocal training. I'm not sure what a castrato vocal range encompases but, it does exist in men who have gone through puberty and speak with normal male tones, but sing in the castrato range. Once again, it takes religion to fuck up a life.
so, i saw dune (1984) yesterday.
i knew it wasn't gonna be great, but deary me.
i'm not gonna lie - this film is not good, in fact it's laughably bad in places.. first, i'd like to know the thought process that went behind choosing david lynch to write/direct.
Well, I call it a trilogy because it was Frank Herbert who wrote and completed the first 3 books. I could not get past the rest.