Bethany (not the troll)
Welcome to the board. Happy to have you join us.
Ask what ever questions you want. We are not shy.
-Aude. <- not my 'real' name, though!!
JoinedPosts by Aude_Sapere
Somebody thinks I should introduce myself
by bethany4you ini have never been a jehovahs witness (i can't even spell it half the time).
i am a practicing wiccan and have been for all of my life.
i do not discuss my beliefs openly because of preconceived ideas that most people have.
singing at the meetings
by Dustin inwere any of you the really obnoxiosly loud singer at the meeting?
that always used to make me laugh when somone who couldn't sing just belted it out in their horrible voice.
or i used to love the husband and wife duos that thought they were all that as they sat and tried to harmonize.
Dustin -
OMG!! That song is 'Forward You Witnesses' I just sang the entire first verse to from memory. Dont' think I've sang it in over 15 years!! YIKES!!
I actually liked that one. And didn't think of people dying for a religion but rather for Jehovah. I saw a difference...
Wow Crazy how that song came back to me with just those 3 words.
MJ -
Too Funny!! I forgot that I used to point to that picture when the kids would just barely move their lips during the song. No sounds. Just lips quivering.
The 5 year old was usually such a ham, he would sing out loud and clear (Whe he was 2 he would even break dance. Such a trip, that kid!)
The 9 year-old... Damn whole other story. I would point to the picture in the back and say 'That's how you shoud be singing. Whole-souled as to Jehovah.'
He would stubbornly reply, 'Oh no. They would not be happy like that if they had to sing THIS song.' And he would just shake his head and clench his lips tight.
I'm giggling just remembering that!!
Thanks for the fun memories!! -
I'm growing up
by Aude_Sapere intwo big events for me today.
ok maybe they are not so big but they are solid.
after idly waiting for long, chronic depression to clear, i took two more steps toward growing up and away from the wtbs.
Prophecor - It feels like home. Thank you.
FMZ - Next to find a real hobby to enjoy.
steve2 - It is a journey. And it's felt like it's all been uphill. It feels good to not have guilt over something as simple as buying a book. Very nice. Thanks. -
First ever posting
by ddean3673 inok, i've been staring at post after post for hours, done weeks of digging on the web, without speaking to a soul.
i figure everyone had to start somewhere, so i just decided to throw it out.. i only recently came out of my "lockdown" phase (where you don't even speak about your feelings about "the truth") and have just started looking around.
i know you guys can see my profile, etc, but i had to post this and just ask for some direction.
ddean -
A quick but warm Welcome to the Board.
We are glad you are here!!
Most families have oddities. Witness families take the cake...
-Aude. -
So I go to my first day of work.....
by missy04 in.
and behind the front desk, i see someone who looks familiar.. only when she turns and looks at me do i realize she is a witness i know.. so the lady who did my bible study, it's her daughter that is working with me.
i just find it just can't run and you definitely can't hide from these people!.
Missy -
First of all, CONGRATS on the job!!!!!!
I spent 25 years in the dental field and started just where you are now. Only differences are that I was in another state and a year younger than you.
About the witness at the front desk. I want to strongly encourage you to start early to train her to not discuss her religion nor criticize yours. You can pretty much bet that either she, or her mother, or others in the congregation will witness to you on the job. Remember that YOU hold the key to how much pressure they will put on you and the sooner you squelch it, the easier it will be.
I had to address this a few times towards the end of my dental career - I had already become inactive and some witness patients wanted to use their wait and 'chair' times to do some incidental witnessing. As soon as the conversation switched to 'preach mode' - and we all know exactly when that happens! - I would stop them:
"Oh. Thank you, but, please. I'm really not interested. And also, I'm really uncomfortable discussing this at work. It's really not appropriate and it's not fair to Dr. so-and-so and it's not fair to my patients."
Those exact words... You probably won't have to say them again to the same person more than once. (Well some people need to hear it twice, but they learn if say it with greater emphasis!) Also, they will probably pass the word on to the rest of their friends...
Hey!! CONGRATS again!!!
I really enjoyed dentistry. If there is one thing I would do differently, though... I would have started my college carreer MUCH sooner than age 32. Even if you only take one class at a time - and that's quite doable - start now. You will be so pleased with yourself.
-Aude. -
I'm growing up
by Aude_Sapere intwo big events for me today.
ok maybe they are not so big but they are solid.
after idly waiting for long, chronic depression to clear, i took two more steps toward growing up and away from the wtbs.
Two big events for me today.
OK maybe they are not so big but they are SOLID.
After idly waiting for long, chronic depression to clear, I took two more steps toward growing up and away from the WTBS.
#1. My books arrived today! CoC and ISOCF
Can't wait to get started reading.
I loaned one to my dad (Ex-Elder, DF'd 5years).
#2. There is a blood drive at work. I signed up.
I didn't hesistate to join.
I still have a few reservations about receiving blood.
But giving seems a simpler concept for me. So I'll start there.
It was a good day. I feel that these (small) steps are solidly setting me on my way to independence from the WTBS. It's about friggin' time!
Thank you everyone, Each of you for your contributions to this board. It really means more to me than I can explain. And I do mean *each* of you. Thank you.
-Aude. -
Who makes the WORST boss.....Male or Female??
by ScoobySnax in6 months ago i was promoted to ward manager in the hospital i work in, and despite all the stress that goes with working in healthcare (particularly the good ol nhs!
) i come home usually knackered but still pleased that this is the job/career path i have chosen.
managing nurses brings its own headaches, and without wanting to sound sexist, it is sometimes difficult to work alongside a whole group of women and try to keep a happy ship with all the personalities that come into play.
First off, I refuse to have a 'Boss' of any kind.
I will, however, report to a manager.
I have mostly worked with (for) and reported to men. For the past year and a half I report to a woman. She is 15 years younger than me. And a very, very good coach and manager.
When I was first assigned to work on her team, I was not pleased. I did not think that 'Barbie' would have the strength and clarity of purpose. I was very, very wrong.
Of 9 managers in my division, she is the only female. Her (our) team consistently hits our targets and works very well together. I am convinced that this is due to her ability to nurture when needed, discipline when required, and let the grown-ups get their work done.
And coming out of a male-dominated cult and misogynistic (sp??) household, I have grown and learned so much from my interactions with her.
In answer to your question, Male or Female? I think it depends on the individual. But an intelligent, confident woman will put most of her male counterparts to shame. (sorry guys! But I do believe this...!!)
-Aude. -
What's Your Opinion of the Internet?
by minimus inthe watctower society demonizes the internet.
there have been many unsubstantiated reports that have been proven false on the 'net.
and there have been some very helpful sources here.
I love my computer and I love the internet.
All my friends live there. -
Please welcome my wife, Gina AKA FreedomFrog
by AlmostAtheist inhey all,.
gina's got her own account now, she's freedomfrog.
hopefully she'll tear herself away from u.n., blood, birthday, and whatever else research long enough to say 'hi' back!.
Hi Freedom Frog!!
So glad to have you with us.
Look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the Board!!
-Aude. -
Please welcome my wife, Gina AKA FreedomFrog
by AlmostAtheist inhey all,.
gina's got her own account now, she's freedomfrog.
hopefully she'll tear herself away from u.n., blood, birthday, and whatever else research long enough to say 'hi' back!.
Hi Freedom Frog!! So glad to have you with us. Look forward to hearing more from you. Welcome to the Board!! -Aude.