So Morty....
Which postition did you take?? And how is it working out for you??
Care to give us a follow-up??
a job offer!!!!!.
i am tickled pink about it.
i have been out of work for a while now(3 years almost) due to my back injury and a company that i voleenter for, offered me a postion at collage wages!!
So Morty....
Which postition did you take?? And how is it working out for you??
Care to give us a follow-up??
is it just me or are a lot of jehovahs witnesses just completely mannerless and lacking in social graces?.
examples....... they don't seem to say thank you for gifts or kindnesses.. i went to quite a few gatherings and burps and farts would happen without so much as a pardon me or excuse me.
i was even told once it's natural and there is no reason to say excuse me.. they will just stop in at your house if they are in the neighborhood and stay for however long without even calling or getting your hints that you happened to be on your way out.. i have met some very nice and polite witnesses but they are few and far between.. is my experience limited - has anyone else noticed rudeness, and a lack of manners and social graces?.
Is that a 'yes' ??
<insert winking smiley here>
is it just me or are a lot of jehovahs witnesses just completely mannerless and lacking in social graces?.
examples....... they don't seem to say thank you for gifts or kindnesses.. i went to quite a few gatherings and burps and farts would happen without so much as a pardon me or excuse me.
i was even told once it's natural and there is no reason to say excuse me.. they will just stop in at your house if they are in the neighborhood and stay for however long without even calling or getting your hints that you happened to be on your way out.. i have met some very nice and polite witnesses but they are few and far between.. is my experience limited - has anyone else noticed rudeness, and a lack of manners and social graces?.
Preston -
While you're at it, could you pay mine, too??
I'd sure appreciate it!
and behind the front desk, i see someone who looks familiar.. only when she turns and looks at me do i realize she is a witness i know.. so the lady who did my bible study, it's her daughter that is working with me.
i just find it just can't run and you definitely can't hide from these people!.
I spent 25 years in dental offices.
Started when I was a senior in high school.
I've been out of dentistry for about 2 and a half years. The largest practice I was in was pediatrics. When I started there was one doctor and 2.5 staff. When I left, I had 12 people reporting to me. We were busy, busy, busy!!
I trained ALOT of newbies...!! LOL First thing I would notice was a nice, sincere smile. Next was a willingness to learn and a willingness to do what was necessary to keep things rolling.
After about 3 weeks, it will be a little more fun for you because people you've met during these first two weeks will be returning for follow-up care.
Keep at it (and check out community college for summer and/or fall classes - you'll be SO GLAD you did!!!).
did you think you could someday be a servant, an elder, a regular pioneer, a circuit overseer, etc.??
As a single woman in the congregation, I was happy they counted me when taking attendance.
finally got around to ordering c.o.c and in search of christian freedom.
they only had 5 paperbacks of c.o.c in stock.
i bought all 5 and also 1 hardback.
I understand the feeling...
Mine came in the mail just this past Tuesday. I loaned one to my dad (ISOCF) and am reading CoC myself.
Very freeing.
Welcome to 'the club'!
i'm a newbie to anything like this.
are most people here ex-jws?.
anyone brought up as witnesses from birth?.
I was 9 when my parents started studying.
My dad was elder by the time I was 11 (or equivalent until the 'elder arrangement came about)
I pioneered for 3 years in my 20's while working full-time and supporting myself.
Started to fade (from exhaustion and disillusionment) in my 3rd year of pioneering.
It was a 9-year fade. I've been out for over a decade. Neither DF'd nor DA'd.
I have almost no contact with my witness mother and witness sister.
Care to share your story??
PS: Ooops!! Forgot something: WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!
and behind the front desk, i see someone who looks familiar.. only when she turns and looks at me do i realize she is a witness i know.. so the lady who did my bible study, it's her daughter that is working with me.
i just find it just can't run and you definitely can't hide from these people!.
Missy, Don't feel dumb. And don't play dumb.
Rule #1 in a dental office: Anticipate (especially the doctor's next steps and what he will need).
Rule #2: Be visible and Participate.
Rule #3: Smile (you are in the smile business, It's required of you)
Look ahead at the schedule. Know who's coming in for what. Help out (even offer to help file charts & papers at the front desk or pull charts for the next day). Find ways to help patients feel comfortable - as if they were guests in your home.
If x-rays need to be developed, start developing them.
Ask if you can bring Mr/Ms so-and-so back now - rather than waiting to be told to do so. Try to find out about how long until that patient will be seen and let that patient know.
Little things like that can help your patients feel more comfortable and will help you get in the groove and flow of the office.
Remember that most people are extremely uncomfortable in a dental office/chair. Look them in the eye, call them by name, and smile. Make sure they know your name and perhaps initiate some chit-chat.
Sorry for the listing. I just got on a tangent...!!! There are still some times that I really miss my dental days (can you tell??!) Actually, I don't know what your responsibilities are just yet. I'm guessing you are a 'rover' who may then be trained to do chairside assisting??
I hope you have a good and busy week.
Enjoy, Aude.
chanced upon this website a few days ago, and perhaps spent most of my waking hours (since then) reading, and certainly identifying with, quite a lot of it.
i have also learned a few things i was unaware of - i know this is ''old hat'' to all of you, but i wasn't aware of the un ngo thing.. i was saddened reading many posts - mostly trying to get human compassion (from elders who hold the trump cards - dealt by....?).
i read with interest josephus's post no.313, and goldminer's 1st posting - both drawing attention to how lives have been wasted due to false prohesy - and i thought (after reading how the society is claiming compensation for surviving - or dead!
The Edge -
Welcome to the Board. I'm glad you found us. I remember my first few days visiting 'Apostate' sites. Reading until 4:30am and then starting work 2 hours later! I'm still not quite caught up on my sleep! But I feel so much better in my heart and head.
Do I sense a class action suit brewing?...
im using mozilla firefox, every time i go to chat i get a blank page.
please advise.. thanks
I have the same trouble with InternetExplorer
I have never been able to see anything in chat... Any suggestions for me?