D@mn Religion...!
<Needed to be said again>
So sorry for all the time, energy and emotion that has been sapped from both of you.
D@mn Religion! {I stomped my foot real hard, too. I need to go ice it. Be back tomorrow...!!}
D@mn D@mn D@MN!
just got off the phone with the judicial committee, the same one that i blew off last sunday.
i wasn't even sure they'd call, but come to think of it, i think that's just what they're supposed to do if i don't show up.
they called as a conference call (none of them has been willing to talk to me on the phone alone!
D@mn Religion...!
<Needed to be said again>
So sorry for all the time, energy and emotion that has been sapped from both of you.
D@mn Religion! {I stomped my foot real hard, too. I need to go ice it. Be back tomorrow...!!}
D@mn D@mn D@MN!
had my interview at work this morning.
i felt pretty good about it when i walked out of the room.
this afternoon the manager offered me the job and i accepted.
Always great to hear a good report!!
Positive thoughts this morning sent your way might have helped, eh?
i have finally decided that i've seen enough.
i have written my official dissassociation letter from the organization call "jehovah's witnesses".
would someone please give me the address and example of a letter head to the society.
Congrats on you decision.
I did a multi-year fade (and moved - although the move was for other reasons).
Can't imagine what writing a letter like that would be like.
Please share it with us, if you feel so-inclined.
this is my first post- i am actually looking for any information that anyone might have on jehovahs witness resources on disability.
i am putting together a directory of links and resources dealing with the topic of disability from different religious organizations and haven't yet come up with anything- .
if someone could point me in the right direction or give me any ideas it would be grealy appreciated.
AS- that's a good one! ha ha ha! JW's as an org taking care of those with disabilities (provide for their own!lol) ho ho ha ha!
Upside/Down -
I'm glad you found my humor there. I came back purposefully looking for someone to catch it!!!
Loved the ROTF happy guy. Made my evening...!!!
how long was it before you became aware that your activities as a jw were the same this year as last year?.
discounting the regular "5 meetings a week" and "saturday field service", let's look at the average year in a jw's life, beginning with the september service year... september.
if you haven't been to your district convention you will this month.
If any of you are anointed, please check your medication to make sure your hope is real.
this is my first post- i am actually looking for any information that anyone might have on jehovahs witness resources on disability.
i am putting together a directory of links and resources dealing with the topic of disability from different religious organizations and haven't yet come up with anything- .
if someone could point me in the right direction or give me any ideas it would be grealy appreciated.
I'm not sure I understand what you are looking for.
Are you looking for assistance (financial, educational, medical expense, and otherwise) that Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization provide for their own people who happen to have disabilities?
Or perhaps philosphical rationalizations about why people become disabled??
Or how to cope if you personally are disabled?
Please elaborate.
i posted about this earlier here .
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/83527/1368961/post.ashx#1368961 .
i got my papers from a&m and i wnated to live on campus, so i tell my dad if you let me live on campus ill go to the sunday but if i stay here i wont go at all still, and he didnt even answer.
Pretty sucky situation.
I would hope that you can apply for financial aid - but recent experience with family member in California is that much aid was denied because the parents 'could' contribute. They just refused to.
Parents 'qualifications' played a significant roll until - I believe - age 25.
Under the circumstances I would probably push for independence. It's alot of work, but then so is meeting attendance and parental constraints on an adult living at home.
Not much help, I know. sorry....
I do feel for you. VERY impressed that you are going to school. That should be #1. Have you spoken with financial aid? I wish I had pursued college right out of high school. I didn't even start until age 32.
Maybe my suggestion is: explore all your options. Choose whichever one will ENSURE that you stay in school.
here's my situation: .
i have four children (10,7,6,4).
my wife (now ex-wife) and i were not getting along very well five years ago.
but her refusal to keep the kids "innocent" is a determining factor on why I will VERY likely get sole custody soon.
THIS is great news. I am really happy to that there is hope. (You've 'sounded' happier lately...)
to find out her daddy is not really her daddy would likely hurt her very much
May also very likely segregate her from her siblings. I've seen this and it's very, very sad - especially in pre-teen years.
I would have to find out for my own knowledge though. After that, who knows what might happen. But I would have to know, for sure.
I think I would truly want to know (if I were a guy and in your position) but then... I am not confident that I could keep up the charade if I learned that someone else was actually the biological father of my child. I don't think I'm that good of an actor.
Tough situation. Truly wish you the best in making your decision.
i love this programme,.......we get loads of crap from the states, but when they make a good show....wow!!
along with friends and simpsons.....this has got to be right up there with the classics!!!!.
go edie!!!!
It's show time!
See y'all tomorrow...
i am not posting this to justify my actions, i am doing so for the benifit of any witnesses who are unsure about there feelings toward the "truth".
i was a reguler pioneer for about 8 yrs, back when it was 100 hours a month, befor thet i did a couple of yrs as a vacation pioneer, they later changed the name to auxilery pioneer, and during the following 20 yrs i had a few intermitant spells as an auxilery when i had time to.
during my pioneer years i have given talks at circuit assemblies and had assignments at district assemblies .
Hello Londoner -
Thanks for jumping right in and sharing some of your story with us!
Welcome to the Board. I look forward to hearing more from you!