Wow. What an intro...!
We know quite a bit about your background and you fit right in!!
Pull up a chair. Share when you want. Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry but we always accept each other unconditionally.
Welcome to the Board.
this site was recommended to me by someone on another ex-jw site i began frequenting recently.
anyway, i am an ex-jw who has been disfellowshipped for about 7 years now.
i was raised as a jw from the age of 4, didnt take to it until i was befriended by a pioneer who was an elder's wife, and she began a bible study with me because my mom ddnt have time to have bible studies with all of my siblings and me, there are 10 of us.
Wow. What an intro...!
We know quite a bit about your background and you fit right in!!
Pull up a chair. Share when you want. Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry but we always accept each other unconditionally.
Welcome to the Board.
the iranians seem to be seeing many these days..
I seriously thought I saw one about 14 years ago.
I was quite upset and a little angry about what I saw. I felt I would be duty-bound to report my sighting of a 'hovering, blinding light sitting on top of the hill in the early morning.
Turned out to be morning sun reflecting off some flashing on a new building.
Man! was I relieved to see what it really was but for those 45seconds I was one angry wannabe.
i'm just new to this internet stuff and am studying with the jehovah's witnesses at present.please don't take my lack of knowledge as cheek.
i just want to know if it's meant to be only jehovah's witnesses using this site.
i fully intend to become baptised but was wondering if there's any security to prevent people who shouldn't be using the site and are maybe abusing it from doing so.
Hi Yvonne -
Welcome to JWD. I've only been here for a few months.
Raised in 'the truth' and baptized in 1974. I have been inactive for over a decade now and finally found a group of people who I feel I truly relate to.
All people are welcome here. Witnesses, non-witnesses, ex-witnesses and just casually interested persons.
Most of the posters seem to be ex-witnesses.
Feel free to say what ever is on your mind. I am sure you will get many responses from people of all sorts of JW background.
Again, welcome to the Board.
-Aude Sapere (Latin for: Dare to Know; Dare to have knowledge/wisdom)
i would like to say that any of you that read this board are more than welcomed to be a part of this group.
i know some of you are afraid.
some of you are unsure.
Zeroday -
Welcome. Nice of you to post.
I remember 1975 and 1976 as I was baptized in '74.
Some friends in my old cong were killed in a car accident on the way to an assembly and I remember so many of us saying how comforting it was that we would see them again in a few months.
That was 31 years ago.
Criminy. What a long time to waste on foolish beliefs.
I also remember writing a talk about 15 years or so ago. My householder had been in 'the truth' for I believe her entire life (multi-generational maybe) and we were just chatting over coffee. I said something about the 'new system' and she laughed! "You don't really still believe in that, do you??" LOL I laugh now but was shocked back then. So many don't believe anymore but just go out of habit or because that's where their 'friends' are.
I'm glad I'm out.
Again, Welcome to the Board!!
-Aude. (Daring to know real truth)
about a week ago it was brought to administrations attention that there may be apostates lurking on our board, as a precautionary measure we deleted 107 members who had never posted since they joined.
this morning sadly enough our attention was again directed to a possible apostate within our midst.
i don't mean to scare the pants off you fellow jwd members but it's been brought to the administration's attention that there may be apostates lurking on jwd, too.
Brummie's back...!!!
I didn't much care for that imposter ;-)
when i was a teenager, my father built a wall in the hallway of our house so that he would not have to have anything to to with me.
i had to do dishes in the bathroom sink and cook on a hotplate.
i never knew why he did this.
I won't tell you what some of the locals used to joke that MARTA stood for.
Oh!! Please tell me...!
Even if you must pm me. I gotta know now!! hehe
its holiday booking time again...... any idea where you're headed off to this year?.
i guess i'll be heading back to one of the greek islands, just not sure which one yet.
love it!!!.
Las Vegas in October
for Apostalooza !!
i've caught it...the "welcome bug" and you are all to blame.
when i posted my story on here everyone jumped in and said welcome, and that was probably the most healing thing i've experienced...or at least the first time in forever i felt good about a choice i made.
so i caught myself doing it today, see a newbie saying hello...and then i have to say welcome.then i asked myself...why?
Welcome again.
Glad you are here!
i watched this show religiously as a kid on pbs.
loved it, it was a great escape from my messed up life.
talking about it in jr. high and high school helped earn me affectionate nicknames like "nerd, spaz, dork, faggot, etc.
I see words.
no pics.
and am unfamiliar with the program so cannot comment.
But I do see words posted in the opening thread.
hello to everyone, my name is esther and i am from australia.. i was directed to this website from my ex husband who also was a jw.
i guess in the truth we still are as we have not been df or disocciated ourselves.. i just wanted to say hi.
this is a great website, i had been brought up in the truth and had only decided to leave about 2 years ago, when my marriage was failing,i'm not a person who lives great by other peoples rules, especially when i dont agree with half of them.
Esther - Welcome to the Board!
Many of us understand your feelings. Good that you are creating different memories now for yourself and your child.
Looking forward to hearing more from you.