I would like to say that any of you that read this board are more than welcomed to be a part of this group. I know some of you are afraid. Some of you are unsure. Some are paranoid. We would love to see more of you come on board. Many active and inactive JWs are out there reading. Why not contribute to the latest going on in the organization or area? Try it. You'll like it! And one other thing, if you have registered here, please share your feelings and views about things. Don't be such a stranger!
We Should Encourage "Lurkers" To Post Here!
by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends
Double Edge
Come on in, the "water's" fine .... you KNOW you want to tip your tootsies in. Just register with some hokey name like I did and start a new post by introducing yourself. After that, it's easy the rest of the way. But this comes with a WARNING... you might get addicted to posting.
Addicted to posting?? Not me....
I must admit it helpedd me when I moved from lurking to posting - come on inside all you lurkers and taste and see that JWD water is free and good
I lurked for months and finally got some courage to post from a fellow ex JW that I recently spoke with (FreePeace). I its just more scary for some of us. But, its been great!!!!!
Hey there all you lurking ones
Come and set your hearts to free
Hey there all all you lurking ones
Our loving kindness free
Free without fear of reprisal, free without having to fear speaking on things that you always wondered about, free of fear of having someone look at you strange because you're other than, looking. We'll love you anyway, at least I will.
I've been lurking here for about 6 months now. I DA'ed myself June of 2004 after 28 years. A lot of things contributed to it. I think 1914 and "this generation" finally did it. I began looking back to old WT literature and was stunned at what I found. 1975 especially disturbed me. I was baptized in the summer of 1976 so I was not intuned to the 1975 fiasco. I was shocked to read in the July 15, 1976 Watchtower:
"Or are we becoming weary in well-doing, looking for a certain date primairly as bring a relief to ourselves, with little concern for the lives of other people?"
"It may be that some who have been serving God have planned their lives according to a mistaken view of just what was to happen on a certain date or in a certain year."
"But they have missed the point of the Bible's warning concerning the end of this system of things, thinking that Bible chronology reveals the specific date"
"If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises."
"However, say that you are one who counted heavily on a date, and, commendably, set your attention more strictly on the urgency of the times and the need of the people to hear. And say you now, temporarily, feel somewhat disappointed; are you really the loser? Are you really hurt? We believe you can say that you have gained and profited by taking this conscientious course. Also, you have been enabled to get a really mature, more reasonable viewpoint."
Zeroday -
Welcome. Nice of you to post.
I remember 1975 and 1976 as I was baptized in '74.
Some friends in my old cong were killed in a car accident on the way to an assembly and I remember so many of us saying how comforting it was that we would see them again in a few months.
That was 31 years ago.
Criminy. What a long time to waste on foolish beliefs.
I also remember writing a talk about 15 years or so ago. My householder had been in 'the truth' for I believe her entire life (multi-generational maybe) and we were just chatting over coffee. I said something about the 'new system' and she laughed! "You don't really still believe in that, do you??" LOL I laugh now but was shocked back then. So many don't believe anymore but just go out of habit or because that's where their 'friends' are.
I'm glad I'm out.
Again, Welcome to the Board!!
-Aude. (Daring to know real truth)
I was alot like that, just driving on cruise control. After 1995 and "this generation" I just went along with it all. As a good JW I would never dare to question anything i was told. Then another incident happened that so disturbed me that I had to take aother look at it all. One year ago I had a cousin that had been an Elder for many years. He was a verbally abusive person to his wife and 3 children all JW's. A very arrogant person and very power hungry. Well to make a long story short she divorced him, a person can only take so much. It was not a spiritual divorce so he could not remarry. He stepped down as elder and about 6 months later5 somehow, according to him, found himself in bed with another single sister. How many here know of quite a few JW couples that have done exactly that. I'm not setting myself up as judge but all of them were disfellowshipped and after a period of time reenstated if they wanted to. We all know this as a JW divorce. Just like Catholics and their annulments. Well low and behold he and her were not disfellowshipped. According to him, he thinks they "felt sorry for him" and they were public reporved and allowed to marry. I was in total shock. What magnified it was 23 years before this his sister also a JW married a brother who not only verbally abused her but beat her to a pulp on a number of occasions and no judicial action was ever taken well she ran off with another brother and they were both disfellowshipped with absolutely no mercy shown. They are to this day. That pushed me over the edge.
Welcome Zeroday
Post 13178 of 13178
since 03-Jul-02Yeah minumus isn't addicted....I think the only person that has more posts is Simon.