Very, very good news.
I am so pleased to hear a good report from you.
My dad had brain surgery about 20 years ago. He came through great and I know medicine has improved so much since then.
I bet there are lots of hugs at your house...!!
as mentioned in my other thread, my daughter lena is having brainsurgery on monday, jan 24. the surgery will last 6-7 hours, so i'm hoping the board members will be willing to make a special effort tomorrow to send positive thoughts, healing energy, good wishes and prayers her way.
we are asking that the surgeon's hands be delicate and skillful and that lena does not bleed overmuch and that brain damage be minimal (if not non-existant).
surgery begins at 8 am eastern standard time (us), but we have to have her to the hospital by 6 am, so this is "good night!
Very, very good news.
I am so pleased to hear a good report from you.
My dad had brain surgery about 20 years ago. He came through great and I know medicine has improved so much since then.
I bet there are lots of hugs at your house...!!
my wife and i have been disassociated for about 2 months now.
every day in our small town we are being shunned by former friends.
one in particular annoyed me today.
Loudly... "Hi there! Nice to see you (silence) ... Oh, are you still in that CULT that shuns old friends who have moved on?"(silence)
to any bystanders... "They're JEHOVAHS WITNESSES and they play shunning games, ...remember this next time they knock on your door speading their UN-Christian like message."
This was great..!!
<-- my first emoticon on JWD
...I'm a bit slow sometimes!
i was thinking of sending this letter as my da letter to the society and to the kingdom hall i welcome feedback on it.
to the watchtower society,.
i am writing this letter to make a formal statement of disassociation.
Your letter makes me want to cry. I feel alot of - ummm - not sure the right word.
It's terribly sad. Yet I understand as I have have mourned the death of my own desire to serve God.
I have a different sense of 'spirituality' now.
Sorry to digress. Your letter sounds very heartfelt.
I hope others have better comments than mine. {{{{hugs}}}}
Please post more. This is a good place to heal and grow.
-Aude (daring to have knowledge)
i'm just new to this internet stuff and am studying with the jehovah's witnesses at present.please don't take my lack of knowledge as cheek.
i just want to know if it's meant to be only jehovah's witnesses using this site.
i fully intend to become baptised but was wondering if there's any security to prevent people who shouldn't be using the site and are maybe abusing it from doing so.
IP_SEC - Hey guys. Since Im active and I just expounded what the WT says more fully to witnessdefender. Do i get to count this as time?
Absolutely!! Why wouldn't you?? ;-)
i am a baptised jw and am wanting to disassociate myself.
i am looking to find someone who has left this org to give me some idea on the letter to write and how they dealt with their friends who shunned them
min -
Here's a link from the 'Best of' section:
I hope it helps you.
Also, some people have posted their letters here BEFORE sending off to the elders/cong. Just a thought.
I wish the you all the best and hope to hear from you again soon - regardless of your DA decisions.
i am a baptised jw and am wanting to disassociate myself.
i am looking to find someone who has left this org to give me some idea on the letter to write and how they dealt with their friends who shunned them
Min -
Welcome to the Board.
I really didn't plan it out, but I did a slow fade (after I moved out of territory).
I like the way this worked because it allows me the contact with people that I want to keep contact with (couple family members and former roommate and a few friends/workmates).
It takes longer - but maybe not so long if you skip a few weeks due to work then attend a couple in a row and take a vacation then work and then get sick and still tired... blah blah blah
Worked for quite a few of us. Some need that absolute closure, however. I needed to keep the lid cracked a little to allow for contact with people who touched my heart.
i meant to inform the jw's that i have decided to stop my bible study and to stop attending the meetings.
the real strange thing is that i have not heard anything from any of my jw friends at all in over 2 weeks now.
this has never happened before.
After a while, I considered what the worst outcome would be, and realized I could live with the consequences.
For me, my sister would skip that once or twice a year call and my mother would skip that once-every-3-years phone call.
On the up side... I could finally get on with my life (at middle age!) now that I know the truth about 'the truth'. And start really cherishing those relationships that are not so conditional.
Take my new career seriously. Maybe even join SilentLambs - a cause that I believe in.
Also, the child abuse & child sexual abuse issues are what caused me to start my fade in the first place.
Poo on them!
what are some of the things you had to say to your kids you didn't think you'd ever have to say?
if you don't have kids you can give some examples of any family member or friends.. here are mine to my 6 year old:.
"quit licking the car.
Don't put the rabbit in the washing machine.
i'm just new to this internet stuff and am studying with the jehovah's witnesses at present.please don't take my lack of knowledge as cheek.
i just want to know if it's meant to be only jehovah's witnesses using this site.
i fully intend to become baptised but was wondering if there's any security to prevent people who shouldn't be using the site and are maybe abusing it from doing so.
Did you get your college degree from the Awake! magazine?
Funny!! Good One.
now i can pursue the career i've always wanted without guilt.
i hid my writing career for 2 years, because i couldn't let anyone know the movies that i watched.
i'm getting published in newspapers, magazines, and running my own successful website on the internet... but i couldn't tell anyone.
Sorry. Your alias does not strike a bell for me.
BUT - I am so very, very happy for your career success. Love to see those who sacrificed so much for kingdom interests have an opportunity to find satisfaction and reward in some of their own interests.