I am a baptised jw and am wanting to disassociate myself. I am looking to find someone who has left this org to give me some idea on the letter to write and how they dealt with their friends who shunned them
wanting to leave jw org
by min79 25 Replies latest jw friends
Hi and welcome. I did not write a letter ( I have been dfd for 8 years). But I think that you will find a lot of useful information to help you here. If you look at the top of screen, jump to best of. There are many epople that have been though your circumstances and it may just provide the information you need.
Welcome again, Melba toast
Hi min79, I've never had to DA, but there are several here who have and should be more than willing to help you.
Welcome to the forum and thanks for keeping the energy flowing.
I haven't been in your position, but many here have and can help you through this. I think you and all those who have DA'd are really courageous.
Good luck. -
Min a lot of people here think its better to simply fade away; but its always a personal choice to write a letter or not write a letter. The Pope
Min -
Welcome to the Board.
I really didn't plan it out, but I did a slow fade (after I moved out of territory).
I like the way this worked because it allows me the contact with people that I want to keep contact with (couple family members and former roommate and a few friends/workmates).
It takes longer - but maybe not so long if you skip a few weeks due to work then attend a couple in a row and take a vacation then work and then get sick and still tired... blah blah blah
Worked for quite a few of us. Some need that absolute closure, however. I needed to keep the lid cracked a little to allow for contact with people who touched my heart.
min -
Here's a link from the 'Best of' section:
I hope it helps you.
Also, some people have posted their letters here BEFORE sending off to the elders/cong. Just a thought.
I wish the you all the best and hope to hear from you again soon - regardless of your DA decisions.
My DA letter was really simple.. all I said was to please disassociate me from the Watchtower society. You will need to sign it, date it, and get another person to do the same. You can just stick it in the kingdom hall door in an envelope, but make sure to specify what congregation on it.
Hi there Min. My letter is in the link that Aude_Sapere provided. Mine is the "Just finished my DA letter" which is in the middle of the second post.
Pick and choose what you like out of it, feel free to send me a PM and I will be more than happy to share my experiences with you.
Kansas District Overbeer -
My wife and i chose to fade away quietly. Been gone for 9 months or so (I think, i'm not really counting!). You will be supprised how easy it is, and how long it takes for someone to call you. And how easy it is to lob them off with a "I'm just busy",...... or "I'm just really worn out". Give this a go first, and spare the heartache of the hurt others will try to inflict.