I lied on my time once that I recall.Ifelt so guilty that before I left the hall I went back to the box and tried to pull the slip back out to change it.These days ive noticed some pretty crafty ways to get time in and have bible studies.Regular pioneers are great at starting a study and then have their spouse go with them(so they can count time)then if the householder has kids the spouse pioneer reads to them for about a half hour and calls that a bible study.They dont bring the friends along on those studies.Regular pioneers must be getting some strong admonition from pioneer school to get baptism candadates at any cost.
These days if a parent they are studying with does not get baptised right away they bring up baptism for their children and how it will be a protection from the world.Especially with those teenage years coming up soon.(at last years dc there was a 7 yr old baptised)That would have been unheard of back in my day.