To go back just to do better,(money,job mental health?) Sounds like you may need help that the society doesnt offer.You were not specific as to what you weren't doing so well in now,but I assure you it is not because of leaving the org.Its also not God doing it to you, it is life as we know it and it happens to everyone.The dubs teach that Satans tools to mislead are self gratifying things like money,sex and power.An elder told me when I first started studying with him(I was unemployed)that I should expect to get a job soon because SATAN wants to take me away from the org by not having time to go to meetings.
When I left he came and visited with my family about 2 months later and asked my wife how I was doing and she said great,never better hes making great money and is happy.(she said he let out a sigh and said oh)Like he hoped I was doing poorly.
The witnesses use whatever statements they want to make you believe if everything is going this way or that it is due to not being a jw or being a jw.Keep in mind those statements will flip flop to fit whatever situation they choose.
If you ask them if God performs miracles they will say no.So how does God affect you physically?.He doesnt.If he did dont you think he would spare the jw's from cancer,car wrecks,floods,heart attacks?Give me a break tell them to quit speculating and guessing and show some facts that support that bull.Especially when the society doesnt support it or stick to that belief of God intervining in peoples lives.