I'd give five gold stars to Atlantis and Petra for the wonderful job they do ....it is really appreciated by a hell of a lot of people.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
A Salute to Petra/Atlantis
by Slidin Fast inwhilst i have never quite understood whether petra and atlantis are one or multiple entities i recognise the value of their work and web of contacts.
i think it is fair to say that no-one has consistently contributed more solid gold intelligence to this site.
no one has reliably passed on more bomb shells and solid news as well as day to day minutiae.
1991 Watchtower study article just prior to WTS joining UN
by Roger Kirkpatrick inplease see the study article, “their refuge–a lie!” in the june 1, 1991 watchtower, noting paragraphs 1, 10 and 11. paragraph 1 calls christendom “that apostate religious organization.” why apostate?.
paragraph 10 asserts that “she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations–this despite the bible’s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with god.” to support that assertion, paragraph 11 quotes an unnamed “recent book” which reports that “no fewer than 24 catholic organizations are represented at the un.” how were such organizations represented at the un?.
the unnamed book quoted in paragraph 11 is new genesis by robert muller.
In 2001 I was a newish member of this board and it was some on here and elsewhere in the exJW community that helped expose this. I was shocked to say the least.
To think that I as a Group Study Conductor had taught the faithful all that stuff in the Revelation book about the "Scarlet coloured beast" whilst at the same time the Gov.Body were cozying up to the U N as an NGO of it! ...... . I was disgusted.
Thank you for bringing this important topic back to the top for the benefit of newer ones.
Circuit overseers wives.
by stan livedeath inor..as i remember the title..circuit servants wives.
but then i left 40+ years ago.. any recollections of those females that led such an unnatural existence?.
those that i recall seemed such aloof creatures..
"I seem to remember that they all had multiple eating disorders"
That went for the C/Os too . So many had to be on special diets, must have been hell to put them up.
When I was young the wives were tough old birds who were absolutely fearless and tactless in the ministry. They put up with a lot and had no time for those who gave less than they did. One I remember, in the '90s I guess earned the nickname 'The Terminator ' because she was so blunt that if you took her on your study.....they would end it after!
Listen Obey and Be Blessed
by Anna Marina inthought i'd share if no one has done so already.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxf75u-xoji.
Well! Did you know that this album was No.1 in the classical hit parade (UK) last week..sadly down to No.3 now....
Who'd a thought it.... A kingdom song being top of the best sellers in the wicked old world. ( I bet it was not the most popular track)
Yet More Apostate Damage Control
by neat blue dog inunbelievable.
okay actually it's very believable.
check out the latest video on jwdotorg:.
Yes he mentions some of the criticisms levelled against them , child abuse, flip flopping etc, but does he answer those criticisms? No, he just urges his audience to remain faithful and trust the Gov. Body, as if we all knew that they are beyond reproach. ...like Jesus.
I suppose to the trusting sheep, they are!
UPDATE: Fanatical Mom wants to report me
by Scarlett_Martin in*** update 2020/11/21 ****.
hello people,.
some time ago i made my first on this forum after i have just woken up.. i was very scared and honestly i am still amazed from the fact that i am still getting replies in the old thread.. here is the link to my previous thread: link.
You seem to be going the right way and if you play it carefully you may come out of this with no formal barrier to stop you and your parents having some relationship ,should they be willing.
Just keep going. It is traumatic we know but it has to be done. You will be o k in the end.
Was 2019 the last convention ever?
by joey jojo inin a recent feel-good instagram post about the 2019 international convention, a jw remarked, "was it the last convention we will have?".
there is no doubt jw's feel they are truly special and that world events revolve around them directly.
there is also no doubt that whether we get a vaccine for covid or not, and at the moment, its looking very certain that we will, that the world will continue to spin and life will go on, regardless of the beliefs of the jw's.. once the pandemic is over i'm wondering if some jw's will realise that even though they lived through a notable period of time, life kept sailing on, and maybe they aren't that special after all?
2020 was the best ever.......nobody had to go !
how do spouse's treat their partners if they leave the cult?
by mickbobcat inso i was fortunate enough to have a wife that listened and saw what i was saying was true and that the cult is bs.
but i wonder how bad it is in a relationship that one goes out of the cult and the other stays in.
i can see that being a real issue for a marriage.
Mine has been good. Obviously at first thinks were traumatic- it was a shock to her when I admitted that I no longer believed. She has had to face up to not being an elder’s wife but becoming what they call a “spiritual widow “ Believe me the difference in how she is treated is enormous.She gets no respect at all.
However we have settled down now and our relationship is better than it has ever been.
My wife is still a staunch believer but we accept each other as we are. I go some way to support her, we used to attend some meetings, nowadays I sit with her through a zoom meeting, that is just give-and-take for all she does for me...I am lucky I know.
The covid vaccine and microchip fears
by BourneIdentity inwhy is there a group so fearful of being tracked?
if you carry around a cell phone, your every movement is being tracked, even if you disable it.
court proceedings have shown google and apple can hand all the data over of all your movement.
This thread made me google vaccine + microchip. ...... talk about funny !
Do You Ever Wonder Where Are They Now?
by minimus ini remember so many witnesses who were pretty liberal minded.
i knew some that were the ones someone would talk to to get a “balanced “ perspective.
they were not hardliners.
Sadly the liberal,thinking people that we knew are either dead or have stayed in and they just “ go with the flow” .. Whatever they really think, or personal thoughts they may have... they are not saying. They know better than that.
when I met an old friend of mine , now a long serving elder , I opened up a little about how things used to be better in the .Org. He enjoyed reminiscing but said “ that was then, this is now, We need it like this today.
So they change along with the Organisation.....