I also think back to my youth and wonder, “ Why did those close to me ,outside the .Org, not sit me down and show me I was wrong?
I guess they did, really, the best they could, but it takes an inside knowledge of the beliefs and history to be able to refute it. All they could offer were the stock objections that I had been trained to deal with.
They did not know that the Wt had forecast the end in 1914, and in 1925 ..They did not even really grasp that we were anticipating with joy the mass genocide of the population. How could they, we never told them that.
It is true. You have to start feeling doubts inside yourself. Once you reallise that something is “off” , then you can look around. Today, thank God for the internet! It allows us to talk to other ex Witnesses and hear the arguments a doubter can relate to.