Good to see you back Zeb...keep posting
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Have I made it?
by zachias inhi all,.
i have attempted 're-entry' having lost access some months ago.. i was of the name zeb.. wish me the best please.
Degree of Effectiveness of JW Letter Writing Form of Witnessing
by Disillusioned JW ina newspaper article quotes a jw as saying "every (letter) i put in the mailbox, i feel, 'ah, this could reach somebody.
'" the article also quotes her as saying "we are accomplishing even more now than we were door-to-door because this way everybody in the house gets a chance to pick up that letter and respond to it.
it just feels good.
The purpose of it is not primarily to make disciples, it is to count time. If it were to really reach people they would have people use their computers and home printers to churn out letters by the dozen and have them all sent.
Insread they laboriously hand write them so as to count time. After all, as my wife has been reminded just 15 minutes can be counted per month now.
1969 "fact": You will never grow old in this present system of things
by Ding inawake!
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
This quote can still be found on "Watchtower On Line" , their official library.
"Shortly, within our twentieth century, the "battle in the day of Jehovah" will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom."
The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah p.216
Actually, back in the early seventies that did not seem a remarkable thing to say. We were so keyed up that we were talking of months, not years, to Armageddon. .....
Watchtower takes parody poster to court.
by Lost in the fog inanother youtube presenter falls foul of the wt society's legal team.
the watch tower copyright lawsuit targets creator of "dubtown" lego animations.
"I often wonder about the WT goons whose job it is to actually view this kind of content , trawling Youtube to find examples of transgressions. Are they so far conditioned that they can just view it without in any way being affected or waking up?"
Yes they are. Back in the day, I knew of a retired Circuit Overseer then pretty old whose job at Bethel was to sit and read newspapers and report back anything of interest . I bet nowadas they search Youtube and other sites. These oldies are unreachable.
This action really does seem petty.Those Lego videos are gently satirical not nasty . The "fair use" of copyright material seems to be a grey area. Perhaps this is a test case?
Ah, Jonah. 3 day air supply explained ?Whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding
by waton inhere from new scientist magazine: .
whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding.
life 12 may 2021by christa lesté-lasserre.
“Jesus referenced the Jonah Story , so the Gospels say, but did he view it as Literal and full of facts ? I doubt it.”
Have to agree here. Eg. I could say that “ I feel outraged at injustice, just like Hamlet” ...... but would that mean that I believe the story of Hamlet to be true? No, just that he is a figure from a story so well known that it illustrates my point perfectly.
Were You Ever Interested In Early Watchtower History?
by minimus ini also was intrigued by the russellites and the break away sects that formed before and after charles taze russell.
i can only imagine what the bible students were thinking when rutherford became the next watchtower president..
Back in the day we went over and over it at the meetings, much of it to show that events “fulfilled prophecy “ . Anyway it was considered important to be aware of our “Theocratic History “ so we all knew about the old presidents and key conventions. The most important event seemed to be The imprisonment in 1918..
Of course all this was as seen through the eyes of The Society. I have enjoyed finding out later that there are two sides to any story and a lot that we were not told.
List of Critical WTS Teachings
by Vanderhoven7 ini sent a list of statements about current wts teachings to a friend who is being carefully recruited by a seasoned witness.. hi em..... just a quick summary of what all “good” jehovah's witnesses believe...even though some of these things witnesses are not always willing to be transparent about.
this is your crash course.
i have quotations for every item listed if you want or need them.. witnesses believes that:.
I cannot fault your summary Vander..... the sad thing is that if I showed it to my family they would agree and say “yes, that’s right, why can’t you see it’s the truth?”
JWD oldtimers
by Gorb inhi friends,.
are here still some oldtimers from the earlier jwd time?
gorby .
Still alive and kicking.......
good to hear from you Gordy. I remember you well
Ah, Jonah. 3 day air supply explained ?Whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding
by waton inhere from new scientist magazine: .
whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding.
life 12 may 2021by christa lesté-lasserre.
Interesting info, I love marine studies, but I fail to see the connection to the JW world.
Correct me if I am wrong but I have read no article claiming that a whale shark swallowed Jonah. Mind you , a few years back the WTS did make a convention video af the Jonah book. In that they inserted a still photo of a whale shark at the point when he went down , I laughed out loud , knowing that these critters are filter feeders and despite having a large mouth, could not swallow a man if they tried.
Significant Changes Happening - Even Though Many May Not Realize
by JWTom ini posted this item a few weeks ago (link below) with a compilation of items that could happen as the organization unravels - even though many (including myself) may find it unlikely, improbable or simply too much of a change to believe..
as an active pimo though, i came up with the list in the above post simply from the standpoint that very significant changes have been occurring on an ongoing basis and sometimes i think even very active witnesses do not realize it.
a few major items that have been ongoing or were singular events listed below.
Awake magazine. .?
Where did the rumour come from. It is easy to check online . Truth is it has been reduced to next to nothing but it still appears 3 times a year ,undated. It is more a series of brochures now , only half the number of pgeas each time too.