Do we have any verification of this? The video is a pain to watch and lacks any specific details.
I will believe it when I see it reported by a reliable source, with specifics.
imagine the "faithful" jws who are now having to talk to this person by court order or face the consequences----legally.. exjws are spreading the news and now some exjws who have been disfellowshipped for years are starting to research to see if this is an option in their country.
here are the articles, you need to translate in google.
Do we have any verification of this? The video is a pain to watch and lacks any specific details.
I will believe it when I see it reported by a reliable source, with specifics.
here are some little child encouragers at work.. .
how do they report time since the halls closed?.
Yes the group overseers ring round and put them on the spot to make a report. It must get tedious writing out letters you do not mean, send them to people you do not know, in the knowledge that they are going to bin them.
Still, it all looks good on the report .......
suppose we were naïve observers, given the following data, and asked to draw a conclusion.
we see people gather at a busy bus stop several times a day.
at first one person, then another, and another, until they form a group.
An alien studying the arrival of buses at multiple bus stops would soon realise that buses arrive and depart whether or not anyone is waiting. So people wait in expectation , and some miss it and have a long wait.
being born in, i developed an interest for russian language (which is the king of the north's one), so i have been looking forward to the new edition of the nwt in this language.
i have just discovered they released it:.
Lots of Russian speaking people in many countries in which they are free to preach.
it has been 40 years since 1975 when 6000 years of human creation took place according to wt theology,when jesus christ was supposedly to begin his 1000 year reign in which earth was supposed to be turned back to an eden like paradise.. 1975 was the second attempt of the wt to predict when 6000 years of human creation took place,the first time it was supposed to have occurred was in 1872 .. so by that reckoning we should be living 40 years into jesus christ`s 1000 reign .. on the other hand wt theology states that jesus returned in 1914 to do what ?
sit at his fathers right hand until 1975 ?.
of course this all hinges on jehovah`s witnesses / watchtower belief that a creative day was 7000 years long that they taught for decades .. do they still cling to this belief ?
7000 years creative day? .... that is long gone from J W teaching. The last comment I saw in a “ Creation article “ was to the effect that ‘ we don’t know the length of creative days but it is evident that considerable periods of time were involved ‘
As for 1975? They try to forget that , try and deny they ever led people astray and the younger ones believe them
A more relevant question that does use current teaching is to ask “ After 107 years of Christ’s supposed presence , sitting at God’s right hand, Why is this old system still with us?
That is IF the 1914 date were correct...
ok, i would like to submit to the forum the following question: in abstract, do you think that there is a right to not being exposed to ideas that you don’t like or disagree with?
please think it through and its implications on both ends of the spectrum.. it’s not the right to conscientious objection to do something you vehemently disagree with; it’s not about the liberty to chose which ideas you want to embrace or advocate.
it’s something different.. given that, as exjws, we understand the importance of being exposed to different opinions in order to form our own opinion, should someone claim the right not to be exposed to opinions or ideas that they don’t like?
The circumstances dictate everything on this question.
On this forum and in news media I often see opinions and views with which I disagree and don't want to read... so I don't. I do not claim a right not to hear them.
In a school education system should a parent be able to protect his child from contrary information? Maybe...
In school I was excused religious education ( Church of England) because of our JW beliefs. I do not think any one view on religion, morals, sex etc should be taught as fact . In my view it is beneficial to kids only if it is taught in an even handed way , with respect shown for all viewpoints
If one view of say , LBGT issues is taught and students marked down if they don't repeat the establishment view, that would be wrong and the right to be excused tbe lesson is necessary
first thing comes to mind is that this organization through its leaders are not witnessing the true and honest version of the gospel teachings of jesus christ .. they are subjectively teaching/preaching a tainted version made up by the top controlling men of the organization, which i'm sure is connected to the proliferation and distribution of literature which these men publish themselves.
when jesus said that no one knows of the time not even he, he didn't say a select few will know .. the other thing that bothers me is this organization promotes human ignorance on many levels, admonishing education or knowledge that mankind needs for its very survival... there are many other religious organizations that do this as well but the jws is just one of these organizations.
Hate is not the word... Hate is destructive to the hater and I avoid such emotions.
I certainly reject that organisation.I can see that it does not do what it claims to do , it is not a bridge between God and man, does teach the truth about his word. However many of the people within it are good people, although duped , as I was once.
I chose to have some contact for family sake but I hold their beliefs in disdain and their organisation in cold indifference
latest advice for jw parents: if your kids get disfellowshipped, fight the urge to blame yourself.
yes, great advice.
if your clueless, underage child is struggling in life, don't blame yourself, stop thinking about it and move on.
This also from the article ...they see it as " love"
How does the disfellowshipping arrangement reflect God’s love?
1.Love motivates elders to make every effort to help wrongdoers. A Christian is disfellowshipped only if two factors coincide: He has committed a serious sin, and he is not repentant.—Heb. 12:7, 9-11.
2.Disfellowshipping protects the congregation. An unrepentant sinner is like a person who has a highly contagious viral infection and needs to be quarantined in order to protect others from getting sick.—1 Cor. 5:6, 7, 11-13.
3.Disfellowshipping may move a sinner to repent. Many who got disfellowshipped were jolted to their senses and in time returned to Jehovah.—Luke 15:11-24.
4.When a repentant wrongdoer returns, the heavens rejoice and the congregation welcomes him back.—Luke 15:7.
i keep hearing that the watchtower org is going to be around forever because of the many other religions that have been around a long time.
but i disagree because the wt is not like other religious cults.. the watchtower's breath of life is dependent on the last days that started in 1914. .
you can’t change 1914 without a death blow to the entire organization.. the watchtower's 2nd reason for staying alive, is it's continual urging that the life saving preaching work of warning people is the most important work ever.. but- it's very obvious to many, even the old ones that instead of speeding up the work------the work is slowing down to a drip.. comment by former believer; .
It is not possible to judge the health of the org. in these times of lockdown.
Who knows how many are really at these zoom meetings?
The test will be when they are called back to the KHall and asked to go door to door and out on the street. The ones I know and are close enough to speak openly don't want to do that again...
latest advice for jw parents: if your kids get disfellowshipped, fight the urge to blame yourself.
yes, great advice.
if your clueless, underage child is struggling in life, don't blame yourself, stop thinking about it and move on.
The article speaks as though leaving them, is the same as Leaving the family... Not the case, always.
see this also
”Support the decision. Disfellowshipping is part of Jehovah’s arrangement. His loving correction is in the best interests of everyone, including the wrongdoer. (Read Hebrews 12:11.) Any negative comments about the way a disciplinary matter was handled by the elders have likely been initiated by someone who did not mention details that would put the wrongdoer in a bad light. We simply do not have all the facts. It is wise, then, to trust that the elders who took judicial action made every effort to follow Scriptural principles and to judge “for Jehovah.”—2 Chron. 19:6”