Better to ask viewpoint questions. Perhaps " what should we look for in our religious leaders?"
Then when he answers show some detail as to why the WTS are not doing that.
if you tell a jw that he or she is in a cult and they asked you why do you say that?
how would you respond?.
Better to ask viewpoint questions. Perhaps " what should we look for in our religious leaders?"
Then when he answers show some detail as to why the WTS are not doing that.
so, my spies tell me that the east pennines a$$emb£y hall is being sold and all proceeds going to jobo hq.
there's a surprise.....not!.
i understand there are other properties too.
I have been to the East Penine Assembly Hall, It was a good place to go for a Circuit Assembly.
That Hall was built with the money , hard graft and sacrifice of the brothers around there. The ones I knew loved the place and were proud of it. Now it will be sold and turned into something mundane like a warehouse.
I wonder what arrangements they will make for future Circuit Assembly’s ?
08:30 - 15:30 = school.
08:30 - 15:30 = school.
08:30 - 15:30 = school.
“It is no wonder Witness kids grow up resenting the religion and their parents for forcing it on them.“
Actually , in my experience the majority of us grew up to be just as indoctrinated as our parents. I was approaching 50 before I realised there was something the matter. Now I can relate to the sad man’s comments about a lost youth, and a wasted life for decades after.
The whole point of the JW routine is to keep them busy and out of trouble, if you do it properly there’s no time or The will for shenanigans.
don't listen to jazz!.
"new orleans jazz has a primitive tom-tom rhythm that does a single woman's peace of mind no good, is one of the insane claims from the tower about the harmful jazz music.. the fact is - if you check up the writings of the tower - the only safe music is the "kingdom songs" - and those do kill your brain if you love music:-)) .
When I was a teen, The Society was in full force against rock music, they didn’t often mention jazz at that time. All the stuff I liked was “ untheocratic” . Despite being a believing dub, Inever accepted any of that and carried on collecting the music I loved.
Later on they homed in on “heavy metal”. I loved the heavy rock bands so I ignored them, although I was an elder by then.
In more recent times their target has been younger teen stuff that I did not like any way so I was not bothered .
Really, the principle seems to be , if it is popular it must be wrong ... and they criticise it .
Was it not ever thus? I have read that they said that Paganini was “from the Devil”
i wonder if anyone can explain this.
ezekiel 34:25 says .
and i will make a covenant of peace with them, and i will rid the land of vicious wild beasts, so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the forests.. the land is said to be rid of vicious wild beasts, so why does the watchtower picture in the new pure worship book show a large predatory cat on the tree in this picture?
It does look a different artwork style to normal.
My take on this is that they are saying that big cats and other beasts would still be here in the New World, but friendly, just pussy cats . No longer dangerous beasts .
NB. I suppose the owl can’t hunt mice anymore?
This is the first time I have looked at this book . It’s a an old fashioned prophecy explaining book. It has major and minor fulfilments and all the old dates that we keep saying they are going to abandon. The gloss may change but the stuff remains the same.
new cases:.
diaz case, filed on 10/21/2020 by zalkin law firm - two plaintiffs abused (here and hereinafter - allegedly) by two ministerial servants in 1970s.. iglesias case, filed on 10/19/2020 by eisenberg & baum, llp against various nyc and wt entities - abused by an "elder john doe" and "[travelling] overseer john" in 1970s and 1980s.. aldridge case, filed 10/06/2020 by zalkin law firm - abused by a congregation elder in 1970s.. older cases:.
tarry case (no 1 and no 2), filed on 09/17/2019 and 07/23/2020 by parker waichman llp - abused by a publisher in 1984. very weak case.
All “apostate lies” of course..... and if they settle out of court it does not mean that anyone’s guilty..... ( if you believe Mr Splane )
a direct confirmation that judge joseph rutherford, 2nd president of the watchtower organization, had a weak spot for good whisky, can be found in the following hilarious watch tower article.. the u.s. congress had passed the spirit prohibition law, and the judge was absolutely furious that these "servants of satan" tried to take his booze away.. the watch tower, which according to fred franz had jehovah as editor during these days, directly stated that christians could not "participate in" such a prohibition.
in other words, they had to smuggle and drink booze to be loyal to god.
the jws are unfortunately a much more boring sect these days.. the watchtower, november 1, 1924prohibition.
I agree with Disillusioned JW ... I lost count of the number of times he called intoxicating liquor “ evil “
The article does not promote drinking or violating prohibition laws . He is saying that such laws do not come from God , which I gather some were saying at the time. It is a diatribe against the Government. This was before they fathomed out that they were the “superior authorities “ to be obeyed.
anyone know a place to get old official (jw org produced) videos?.
Atlantis. .....That last link looks to be a treasure trove of information. Thanks Buddy.!
what is it about some jws that they can't see the flip-flops of the wt's changing doctrine?.
some of the flip-flops involved the death of many of it's members, and it was not even biblical based.
yet for some reason they can't seem to grasp the significance of the matter.
If you can really get to it with such black+white dubs who defend everything ,it ought to be easy to show where they cannot be right. Even so, they do not accept it .
“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true”
So said an Ancient Greek called Demosthenes.
....and still no big 'a'.
armageddon.. it was 15 years ago dubland was in lala dream-like almost trance-like state hanging on the notion the big 'a' was imminent.. it was ironic.
ironic at that time was when.... i was starting my long waking-up process.
Yes well, it has been at hand for over 100 years !
You speak of 15 years ? That’s nothing . I have spoken to people who grumbled that “they told us Armageddon was at hand in 1942” when the bombs were falling. When I Was a kid The A bomb was sure to start something that would lead to Armageddon. There is always something.
C’est la vie......