It’s a nice picture. It looks pre-Raphaelite in style. (See below)
I think Sea Breeze is right: the black panther/jaguar looks purposely hidden/concealed. Maybe the artist wondered how to depict the absence of wild animals and struck upon the idea of representing it by drawing an animal that can barely be seen. It’s a bit confusing/creepy, if that was the intent.
Plus there is an owl—again, don’t know why. Owls signify wisdom, night time, sleep, dreams, and magic, in our culture. But they probably didn’t have those connotations when the Bible was written. Owls are not mentioned in Ezekiel, as far as I can make out, but they occur in Isaiah and Jeremiah in contexts depicting desolation and desertion of the land, Job calls himself a companion of jackals and owls, Micah refers to howling and mourning like and owl, and they are described as unclean in the law.
I wonder who the Watchtower artists are. Have the names of Watchtower artists ever become public knowledge? Is this picture even an original Watchtower picture? I just assumed it was. I’ve checked the credits and I don’t think it is credited to an outside source.
Artist Vincent Deporter is a former JW, but as far as I know he never did artwork for Watchtower.