I have not followed all the above doctrinal discussion, but the mid nineties generation change was a massive change in thinking. I did not lose faith immediately but,looking back , it was the start of my independent thinking. I left before year 2000.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
1995 generation change
by Gorb innow, many years later, i remember the 1995 generation change, very well.. since early youth, hearing my father explaining in field service the 2520 years.
it was his main theme in the field.. with the change my doubts started.
with some jw friends we did not trust the organization anymore.
2021-08-S-196--Using Enjoy Life Forever! in the Ministry!
by Atlantis in2021-08-s-196--using enjoy life forever!
in the ministry.
english and spanish.
Can you imagine dealing with this from the platform?
“And now we are to see an encouraging video Brothers..”
“Wasn’t that encouraging? ( no response) “ So how can that help us in our ministry today?”
Sister Dependable raises her hand because she always does.......
oh dear! Thank goodness my days at that are done! !
Pale Red Dot
by ScottS injoined about the same time back in 2001 as minimus- we never agreed on very much at all, i was pro jw, and like most here, he was not.
his constant questions would somewhat annoy me, yet they were always here every time i remembered to check back on this site, there he was.. he was a constant.
an irritatingly constant.. what a loss tho.. wherever you are minimus, i wish you love and rest.. scooby..
Hi Scott it is good to see a fellow Brit and another old timer , in your former time as ScoobySnax.
Yes we are all going to miss Min.. whether we agreed with him or not, he was hard to ignore .
Finally, Finally, - Editorial says Jehovah’s Witnesses elder did exactly the right thing by reporting to police.
by was a new boy in'unanswered questions — disturbing ones — surround the case of a former school health aide charged with three second-degree felony counts of molesting a child.. here’s what we know: santa fe police arrested 30-year-old robert apodaca in july over allegations he sexually abused a boy in 2019, including at the school nurse’s office at gonzales community school.. .
apodaca and the boy knew each other through the north santa fe congregation of jehovah’s witnesses.
an elder at the congregation reported apodaca to police after the family came to him in june.
The links dont open for me, behind a paywall. The important point is in a few posts above that states that reporting is mandatory in New Mexico. If so, and this elder contacted Bethel for guidance he would surely be told to report it.
Is that not WT policy?
Sep. 2021 Broadcast: more money
by neat blue dog inin the latest jw broadcast, anthony morris the turd gives a talk about donations.
to camouflage this, he starts and ends the talk by saying that isn't actually what he's doing.
first he starts with the usual disclaimer, 'wt has never begged for money like christendom and we never will', you know the drill.
He said..... " We want Jehovah to love us.... so what money we may have... we are happy to give for Kingdom interests "
So... if you want to receive Gods love, you better give !
Is that much different to the Medieval Catholics claiming absolution in exchange fo donations?
The (IN)Consistent teaching about VACCINATIONS from JW leaders
by Terry invaccinations.
how many deaths were instigated which could be prevented?watchtower policies against vaccines left faithful sheep vulnerable to horrible consequences.antitoxins and vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, anthrax, cholera, plague, typhoid, tuberculosis, and more were developed through the 1930s.. 1921 - "vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice" - golden age oct 12, 1921, p.17.
1923 - "vaccination, summed up, is the most unhygienic, barbaric, filthy, abhorrent, and most dangerous system of infection known.
Yes, back in the 20s and 30s they were very much against vaccination, and they had many other strange ideas as well.
However, in recent times they have been consistent in either taking no stand , saying that such things are a personal choice.... or in the recent pandemic they have gone out of their way to say that there is no objection to vaccines.
I would even commend them for promptly shutting down KHalls and the stance they have taken.
Those members who passed away
by Gorb inwho of those passed away jwd/jwn members, do we think of??.
oompah and the lady from australia, are there more??.
Ahh... don’t remind me of “Trevor-gate”. That enormous wind up that got us all going.
This has been an enjoyable and sobering thread . In a few years it will be us they talk about, .....Hopefully...
Letter from Mother: "...go right ahead on death's road and take your kids with you."
by silentbuddha inso my jw father is sick.
my mother uses the opportunity to try and preach to my 16 year old daughter.
i simply told my mother to: "please refrain from trying to lure *my daughter* in with jehovah's witness questioning.
I am sorry for your bad experience, it must be very hurtful. I cannot fathom the mind of a person who would write this. The paradox is that no doubt she can be kind and loving toward those within her faith .
I do not think that all JWs would do this. I have known some who still managed to do little kindnesses to their d/f ones.
Oh well,if that is how it is then so be it. You are right to keep your daughter away from that sort of attitude.
C T Russell's pyramid monument gets taken away by the WTS.
by Rafe injust recently the stone pyramid monument at c t russell's grave site was taken away by the wts.. six screens of the watchtower did a public discussion about the removal which may be still on that web site, that's where i heard about it.. it had been recently vandalized such the top head piece was removed and the carved christian cross on the monument was chiseled off.. since the wts owns that grave site, they have the right to do whatever they want to do with it.. my guess is that they will never put it back or redo the damage.. i think they will put it away in a obscure place and cover it, locked up somewhere.. the wts.
has never been proud or willingly open about that monument for obvious reasons such as being associated in false religion, which they claim they are not and they admonish other christian faiths are.. your thoughts ?
Funnily enough, there’s a thread on this over on the pro JW site , JW Talk. It has some interesting comments and photos
Religion and Coronavirus....
by mikeflood inhave you heard this?
in the country of guatemala, by presidential mandate, all religion meetings should be celebrated only on-line!.
generally speaking, i wonder how worlwide restrictions on religious activities because of the pandemia are affecting them ...and the borg in particular.
I only know that my lot are more than happy to zoom in (and turn off the sound when they want to) The camera is optional. Long may it last.