I am always cautious when experiences are related unless they actually happened to the person relating it. You never know all the circumstances......
I was ,however, called to sit on this committee to hear the case of a bro. we were told was guilty of gambling. Fair enough, I took my place and we heard what had happened. It turned out that all he had done was to donate to a local charity, in a pub. collection tin and was handed a ticket with lucky numbers to scratch off. The guy then did so and tossed the ticket away. For that he was hauled before the committee.
In any other congregation I had been in , if such a complaint was made an elder would have a quiet word and that would be that.
Sitting there I did not feel able to contradict my fellow elders so I had to go along with it and the guy was duly reproved... A complete waste of time in a vindictive congregation..