Interesting, the WT instructions are clear , and were in 2006, that in a place that requires mandatory reporting- the elders report. Were they following guidance from Bethel? They should have done......
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Has this been posted? Crystal Lake, IL ...elders not reporting case
by carla ini searched but could not find it, i apologize if it has already been covered.
and here too-
After leaving the JWs
by punkofnice inhow do i view the world after leaving the jws?.
1. most politicians are disgusting filth.
political parties are disgusting filth.
Pete...... you said “You reach an age where everyone you love leaves or is facing crisis”
Too right there mate. It is sad to see old friends ravaged by the effects of time and old age..... However we are still here ! And it is good to see your picture. You are a good looking son of a ( you choose the word) !
Stay peaceful
[ Edit... Apologies to Punk for co opting his thread]
Do you remember GRACE GOUGH?
by LullingtonRd inhello, i am grace gough's granddaughter:.
i have started a blog that begins at the beginning and this is with grace.
follow along as i dive into her life - and please do reach out if you have any stories to share with me that i can add to my blog.. you can find the blog here:.
I remember her well. She is still missed
I received a letter from an unknown JW yesterday.
by smiddy3 inlovely handwriting .it had an e-mail supposedly to the cong.that didn`t work and a p.o.
box for the congregation.?.
he/she wanted to share a positive message to me.quoting rev,21:34.then goes on to say ,"because death mourning and pain don`t exist in heaven these scriptures are referring to future conditions on earth and goes on to quote isa,55:11 ,job,14:14,15 ., and acts.24:15.. then the invitation,if i would like to know more ,to visit the website .and signed itself sage.. wtf ?.
It is up to you Smiddy but I suspect that any reasoned reply to the congregation will either do in the bin or be filed in the “crank” file. I wonder if you might say little to the congregation except to enclose a copy of their letter and politely ask them to give the writer your email, since you would like to discuss it further with them.
It might work?
Jehovah's witnesses at polish border. Wtf
by usualusername1 insky news reporting ukrainian refugees coming into poland.
"jws are offering support".
They were seen during the big exodus of refugees from the Middle East a few years back, so I guess it will be the thing now wherever a stream of refugees are seen.
They offer comfort and maybe some physical support as well, I would not be in a position to know. Of course they are also there so that any fleeing Witnesses can find them and make contact.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | May 2022
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | may 2022. study article 19. revelation—what it means for you today.
15 satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.
The next article is “Revelation, What It Means For Gods Enemies “ Now adjustments to the application come so quickly it is hard to keep up, but this struck me as new .
”9 Revelation chapter 13 goes on to tell us that this seventh head, the Anglo-American World Power, also acts as a wild beast with “two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking like a dragon.” This beast “performs great signs, even making fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.” (Rev. 13:11-15) Revelation chapters 16 and 19 describe this wild beast as “the false prophet.” (Rev. 16:13; 19:20) Daniel mentions something similar, namely, that the Anglo-American World Power would “bring terrible destruction.” (Dan. 8:19, 23, 24, ftn.) That is exactly what happened during World War II. The two atomic bombs that played a decisive role in ending that war in the Pacific were the results of a joint effort by British and American scientists. The Anglo-American World Power, in effect, made “fire come down out of heaven to the earth.”
The last reference in the index to the verse, Rev .13:13 spoke only of the Beast acting like a prophet assuming great authority ( Wt 2009)
So this thought is new to me at least......
After leaving the JWs
by punkofnice inhow do i view the world after leaving the jws?.
1. most politicians are disgusting filth.
political parties are disgusting filth.
Off topic , but just sending best wishes to Peaceful Pete... I hope your surgery goes( maybe went) well.
Hope to see you posting again soon
The Watchtower—Study Edition | May 2022
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | may 2022. study article 19. revelation—what it means for you today.
15 satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.
I was thinking just how differently I read this stuff today than I did as a young man. Those of us brought up within it know that on Tuesday nights we were fed a diet of the Babylon Book, The Finished Mystery Book , The Revelation Book . What is wizzed over in those articles we spent years studying, and repeating over and over.
That view of world events was as real to us as anything could be. When you have no other source of information it all seemed to fit perfectly. I was 100% sure of it.
Times have changed, their predictions failed and I grew older and wiser . I guess I am saying that it shows how important it is not to limit yourself to one source of information. Seek a broad view of life and trust yourself to question what you are taught.
An upcoming Watchtower article saying if people Pioneer Jehovah will provide!
by LongHairGal ini saw the post on reddit and the thread got many responses..can anybody believe the religion is still saying this??
it has to be as plain as day that so many jws are poor and struggling today because they never got a career or decent job years ago.. sadly, there are still witnesses who believe money will fall from heaven if they are in the full-time ministry.
they expect some miracle to occur..but, we all know the truth: people in the congregation will be hit up for yet more money for another bunch of irresponsible people pursuing poverty.
I was struck by the absolute certainty that they wrote about miraculous gifts to sustain you if you trust..
“10 When we listen to the fine shepherd and stop being unduly anxious about material needs, we can be sure that Jehovah will provide for us. (ReadPsalm 37:5; 1 Pet. 5:7) Consider the situations mentioned in paragraph 5. Until now, Jehovah may have used a family head or an employer to help us care for our daily needs. If the family head is no longer able to do so or if we lose our job, Jehovah will take care of us in some other way. He will provide. Let us now consider something else that the fine shepherd urges us to stopdoing”
The danger is that some of them will actually believe it ....
Michael Jackson's mom on his disassociation
by neat blue dog infrom an interview with ebony magazine:.
in 1987, he left the jehovah's witnesses.
there was strong opposition to his "thriller" video on the part of some witnesses.
She speaks as though he is still alive at the time of the interview so I guess it is pretty old. If a mother were to speak truthfully now, she could not say that . The screw gets tighter all the time.