Sky news reporting Ukrainian refugees coming into Poland. "JWS are offering support". 🤦🏿
Jehovah's witnesses at polish border. Wtf
by usualusername1 15 Replies latest jw friends
Sad to say but I don’t think the brothers in Ukraine will fare very well. Apparently men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave the country as they are required to take up arms and fight the invading Russian army.
N'est-il pas normal de se battre pour son pays, celui qui protège, nourrit, éduque, soutient socialement et finance son peuple, dont tous les mouvements sectaires font partie, ou ont les caractéristiques de tels mouvements, sans que ces derniers s'en abstiennent sous prétexte qu'ils sont citoyens du ciel ? Ces membres Témoins de Jéhovah capables de porter les armes doivent aussi porter leur vie au service de leur pays, tout comme ceux qui les entourent qui n'appartiennent pas à leur organisation et qui pourtant se battent et risquent aussi pour que vivent les Témoins de Jéhovah !
N'est-ce pas normal de se battre pour son pays celui qui protège, nourrit, éduque, fait socialement vivre et finance son peuple dont font parties tous les mouvements sectaires ou en présentant les caractéristiques sans que ceux-ci au prétendu qu'ils sont citoyens du ciel s'en abstiennent ? Ces membres Témoins de Jéhovah capables de porter les armes se doivent aussi de porter leurs vies au service de leur patrie tout comme ceux qui les entourent sans appartenir à leur organisation et qui pourtant luttent et connaissent aussi pour que vivent les témoins de Jéhovah !
Jehovah's Witnesses in Poland headed to the Ukraine border with supplies to show support - (Colorized, 2022)
Marcial, Ne parlez-vous pas anglais? Le "governing body" des temoins de Jehova ne permet pas le service militaire.
They were seen during the big exodus of refugees from the Middle East a few years back, so I guess it will be the thing now wherever a stream of refugees are seen.
They offer comfort and maybe some physical support as well, I would not be in a position to know. Of course they are also there so that any fleeing Witnesses can find them and make contact.
I’m sure the JWs are just there to offer humanitarian aid without taking advantage of people’s suffering to proselytise. Totally sure. Probably.
What good does a group of Jw's offer in a way of support to anyone?
Disillusioned JW
I read (in regards to Ukraine) that is a drafting/conscripting reservists of men aged 18 - 60. I'm not sure that means the men were drafted to enter the reserves (see the article below which gives a clue). Maybe it only means that those men already in the reserves have been drafted/conscripted into service.
Furthermore, an article from last December says the following (at ).
'According to an updated regulation that went into effect Friday, Dec. 17, women between 18 and 60 who are "fit for military service" and work in a broad range of professions are required to register with Ukraine's armed forces. In the event of a major war, this expanded reserve of women can be mobilized as part of the national reserve to serve in a broad range of military specialties.
"This is not about conscription after reaching some age, as it is for men. It is about conscription in the wartime. And considering more than 122,000 Russian troops are at our borders, the decision seems logical, timely, and sensible," said Oleksandra Ustinova, 36, a member of Ukraine's national parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.'