Involved? At the time I took a print of the list of NGOs , from the UN website. There as clear as day was the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. There among the supporting organisations..... that is what I call involvement.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
A little something you have not yet heard.
by lastmanstanding ini hope to make a very interesting post here, and informative.
i’m quite sure no one here has heard this content.
i would like to finally make known some heretofore undisclosed details concerning something that has affected probably everyone on this board to some degree.
A little something you have not yet heard.
by lastmanstanding ini hope to make a very interesting post here, and informative.
i’m quite sure no one here has heard this content.
i would like to finally make known some heretofore undisclosed details concerning something that has affected probably everyone on this board to some degree.
The Watchtower has toned down the rhetoric a lot in recent years and that apples to Babylon the Great, the U N and homosexuality. The position on these things has not changed but they say it more politely now.
They did say this in May 2020 which is pretty recent
The king of the north has supported the king of the south in one key endeavor; they “put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation.” (Dan. 11:31) That “disgusting thing” is the United Nations.18. Why is the United Nations described as a “disgusting thing”?
18 The United Nations organization is described as a “disgusting thing” because it claims to be able to do something that only God’s Kingdom can do—bring world peace. And the prophecy says that the disgusting thing “causes desolation” because the United Nations will play a key role in the destruction of all false religion.”
NB .. 20 years ago I was new to this board having recently awoke to WT , I was shocked to think that all the time I had conducted Group Studies in the Rev book lambasting the U N, they were cozying up to it as an NG O!
"That's not the Jehovah I know..."
by under the radar insometime in late 2014 or early 2015, a video of tony morris giving a talk about giving one's all was released by the borg.
he was belittling those who had one excuse or another for doing less than (he thought) they should.
he mocked those who relied on the thought that "jehovah knows my circumstances and he doesn't think any less of me" or some such.
“this totally makes sense now, you made it sound like it was bad".
I have had conversations with Witness friends where they just could not see the point. I pointed out some WT misquotes and looked at them and said “I don’t see that they did anything wrong “
What do you do when there is none so blind as those who will not see!
Watchtower says you can be Disfellowshiped for being Fat!
by Witness 007 inwatchtower 1974 p.167 "by disobediently over indulging in food and making a glutton of himself he shows no love for the presents of others does he ignore their needs and selfishly take more then his fair share?
is he grossly overweight gorging himself?
does he feel uncomfortable even getting sick...this person has no place in the congregation of god...they will not inherit gods kingdom.".
That is still on the books as a sin for which a JC is needed. I have never heard of a case.
This is from The Flock book listing of gross sins
“Gluttony: (Prov. 23:20, 21; w04 11/1 pp. 30-31) A glutton rou- tinely shows a lack of restraint, even gorging himself on food to the point of feeling very uncomfortable or becoming sick. Glut- tony is determined, not by someone’s size, but by his attitude to- ward food.“
NB note that is not fatness but greed.
Awakes says playing Chess is evil not for Witnesses!
by Witness 007 inawake 73 3/23 p.12 "the spirit of compatition between players can lead to unpleasant some homes tensions linger longer then checkmate.
chess is a game of war a play substitute for the art of war...danger of stirring up compatiton and hostility to one another something the bible warns christians to avoid.
what effect does playing chess have on you is it wholesome?
We know they said this in the seventies but it has not been said since ,and they did once refer to chess as a suitable pastime so I guess they have changed their minds.
The seventies saw a lot of things critisized as unchristian, including rock music, opera with mythical storylines, tv soap operas ........Most of which we ignored...
Has this been posted? Crystal Lake, IL ...elders not reporting case
by carla ini searched but could not find it, i apologize if it has already been covered.
and here too-
Interesting, the WT instructions are clear , and were in 2006, that in a place that requires mandatory reporting- the elders report. Were they following guidance from Bethel? They should have done......
After leaving the JWs
by punkofnice inhow do i view the world after leaving the jws?.
1. most politicians are disgusting filth.
political parties are disgusting filth.
Pete...... you said “You reach an age where everyone you love leaves or is facing crisis”
Too right there mate. It is sad to see old friends ravaged by the effects of time and old age..... However we are still here ! And it is good to see your picture. You are a good looking son of a ( you choose the word) !
Stay peaceful
[ Edit... Apologies to Punk for co opting his thread]
Do you remember GRACE GOUGH?
by LullingtonRd inhello, i am grace gough's granddaughter:.
i have started a blog that begins at the beginning and this is with grace.
follow along as i dive into her life - and please do reach out if you have any stories to share with me that i can add to my blog.. you can find the blog here:.
I remember her well. She is still missed
I received a letter from an unknown JW yesterday.
by smiddy3 inlovely handwriting .it had an e-mail supposedly to the cong.that didn`t work and a p.o.
box for the congregation.?.
he/she wanted to share a positive message to me.quoting rev,21:34.then goes on to say ,"because death mourning and pain don`t exist in heaven these scriptures are referring to future conditions on earth and goes on to quote isa,55:11 ,job,14:14,15 ., and acts.24:15.. then the invitation,if i would like to know more ,to visit the website .and signed itself sage.. wtf ?.
It is up to you Smiddy but I suspect that any reasoned reply to the congregation will either do in the bin or be filed in the “crank” file. I wonder if you might say little to the congregation except to enclose a copy of their letter and politely ask them to give the writer your email, since you would like to discuss it further with them.
It might work?
Jehovah's witnesses at polish border. Wtf
by usualusername1 insky news reporting ukrainian refugees coming into poland.
"jws are offering support".
They were seen during the big exodus of refugees from the Middle East a few years back, so I guess it will be the thing now wherever a stream of refugees are seen.
They offer comfort and maybe some physical support as well, I would not be in a position to know. Of course they are also there so that any fleeing Witnesses can find them and make contact.