Oh S#**@###!
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Back to the Meetings. It's Offical!
by pistolpete inyep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
Informal Witnessing
by Iamallcool insince i have been out for years, i am wondering how often do the watchtower encourage r&f to do more informal witnessing?
Especially during the pandemic, they have done it more than ever..
2022-02-17-Watchtower Defense Manuals-Loss of State Support--Norway!
by Atlantis in2022-02-17-- watchtower defense manuals on the loss of state support in norway.. .
the english manual is 32 pages long and the norwegian manual is 40 pages long.
both manuals are in this file folder.. .
They ought to read “Crisis of Conscience “ where Ray Franz describes in detail how he was d/f’d for having association with a person, his employer, who had d/a’d himself.
How can an organisation that upholds truth and honesty as a sacred command from God, resort to these distortions of the truth when it suits them? Words fail me
So why didn't Jehovah/ GB/ watchtower warn the brothers in Ukraine to get out before before the war started?
by nowwhat? inif that had occured wouldn't that have given us confidence and faith for when the big one comes?
just sayin'.
There are strong rumours that I have heard from multiple sources , that they were advised to leave the country if they could……. And a good many did.
Of course with something like 120,000 of them it was never going to be 100% so they fear for the ones who could not get out.
WATCHTOWER extracts 104 million from Trust in U.K. Plan to ditch Kingdom Halls at play??
by Terry in{brother ?, a copy of this is being passed around here in bristol, kent, london, etc.
to “certain” elders by way of heads up.
feel free to ignore it or investigate it.
We have known for a long time that most Halls are now owned by the Kingdom Hall Trust and they no longer are separate charities.
Does this mean the end of Kingdom Halls and local meetings? I doubt that very much
As soon as they believe it to be Covid safe they will be back to meeting together and the all important Ministry....
Hi people!
by ozziepost inhi guys, owyergoin?
(that’s australian for youse foreigners!
haven’t called in quite a while but just called by to say “i’m still standing and still enjoying shiraz !.
Hi Ozzie , you are well remembered... Sorry to read of the passing of your good lady . They must have been dark days
I have no Shiraz but I will raise a nice English cup of tea in your honour
Now that you have returned, why not stick around?
Any in-house word on Ukrainian Witnesses form HQ?
by careful inhas anyone heard any word on active witnesses inside the ukraine and what has been happening with them the last week or so?
i checked the official org website but there was just the expected "fulfilling bible prophecy" stuff.
perhaps someone here has bethel contacts who have leaked some info on what the gb is trying to do for these victims of putin's madness?.
Just had a look on JW Talk, the forum for active Witnesses. There is a lot of rumours about saying that all the dubs in Ukraine were instructed to Leave just before the invasion. No one knows how true that is. To be practical, with over 100k in Ukraine it was never going to be all of them
The JWtalkers are most concerned for their brothers but we can see a larger picture and feel for millions of citizens affected.
A little something you have not yet heard.
by lastmanstanding ini hope to make a very interesting post here, and informative.
i’m quite sure no one here has heard this content.
i would like to finally make known some heretofore undisclosed details concerning something that has affected probably everyone on this board to some degree.
Involved? At the time I took a print of the list of NGOs , from the UN website. There as clear as day was the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. There among the supporting organisations..... that is what I call involvement.
A little something you have not yet heard.
by lastmanstanding ini hope to make a very interesting post here, and informative.
i’m quite sure no one here has heard this content.
i would like to finally make known some heretofore undisclosed details concerning something that has affected probably everyone on this board to some degree.
The Watchtower has toned down the rhetoric a lot in recent years and that apples to Babylon the Great, the U N and homosexuality. The position on these things has not changed but they say it more politely now.
They did say this in May 2020 which is pretty recent
The king of the north has supported the king of the south in one key endeavor; they “put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation.” (Dan. 11:31) That “disgusting thing” is the United Nations.18. Why is the United Nations described as a “disgusting thing”?
18 The United Nations organization is described as a “disgusting thing” because it claims to be able to do something that only God’s Kingdom can do—bring world peace. And the prophecy says that the disgusting thing “causes desolation” because the United Nations will play a key role in the destruction of all false religion.”
NB .. 20 years ago I was new to this board having recently awoke to WT , I was shocked to think that all the time I had conducted Group Studies in the Rev book lambasting the U N, they were cozying up to it as an NG O!
"That's not the Jehovah I know..."
by under the radar insometime in late 2014 or early 2015, a video of tony morris giving a talk about giving one's all was released by the borg.
he was belittling those who had one excuse or another for doing less than (he thought) they should.
he mocked those who relied on the thought that "jehovah knows my circumstances and he doesn't think any less of me" or some such.
“this totally makes sense now, you made it sound like it was bad".
I have had conversations with Witness friends where they just could not see the point. I pointed out some WT misquotes and looked at them and said “I don’t see that they did anything wrong “
What do you do when there is none so blind as those who will not see!