I have wondered if the Wt had ever actually said that WW1 was caused by Satan’s being ousted from heaven or whether Witnesses had simply read that into the ambiguous writing of the WT?
Looking today I find :-
WT 79 2/15 p13
” Barry Renfrew of the “Associated Press” adds: “War has never been easy to explain and World War I is perhaps the hardest of all. Beneath the dry accounts of rivalries and alliances which historians use to explain the war, there lies a sense of something far greater, a sense of restlessness troubling the world.” Renfrew then notes that an assassination “inspired a world which had hardly heard of the murdered prince to go to war over his death without knowing why.”
But Christians do know why. Through their Bible-based insight, they know that World War I was timed with the birth of God’s kingdom in the heavens, which was to result in “woe for the earth.” Why? “Because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”—Rev. 12:9-12; compare Matthew 24:3, 7, 8.”