The above is a screenshot from the New World video on Friday. Do my eyes deceive me or are they barbecuing steaks? All my life I have understood that New World eating would be strictly vegetarian….. For me that is a first! I told my wife that I would NOT volunteer to work in the
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
2022 convention stand-outs, clift notes, comments?? the good, the bad, the ugly...
by enoughisenough inhere is the thing: i tried several times to watch the convention...i just couldn't seem to forge ahead with it.
the reason i wanted to was to be able to engage in conversation about it with some of my old friends that communicate by phone that don't know i have disassociated.
i want to be able to slip in seeds of doubt, but at the same time i have to seem a bit current...) so i welcome to know any take outs, commentary, good or bad, or the video plots, etc.
New and improved?
by tenyearsafter ini have a family member who had been df'ed for 15 years or so...recently they reinstated as a jw.
when i asked what motivated them to make that decision, the response was to be able to see family and old friends.
they insisted that things were different now.
The .Org has changed, but not for the better. It is much more up with the times in its presentation. Video intrudes into every meeting and it seems more slick . The articles are shorter and have no real meat in them , it all seems written for the uneducated, I believe to make translation easy.
More loving? .... give over ! They may talk about love but don’t seem to know how to show it.
Reasons for doubting.
by New day insomebody mentioned in a recent topic that they had a conversation with a former elder whose breaking point was when the overlapping generation was highlighted in recent times and how he would never serve again until somebody gave him a scriptural reason to believe it.
i am in a similar position.
i have gone in the last 18 months from taking the wt study, leading fs groups, and doing talks on the mtngs to doing almost nothing, as i resigned a little over a year ago as an elder due to a combination of family responsibilities and huge doubts.
This thread is 7 yr old but still relevant today. We need a reason to wake ourselves up.
Having been in from a small boy in the fifties I just couldn’t countenance being in the 21st Century and still be in the “old world “ . Something was obviously wrong with the time scale. Once I realised that , all the other niggling doubts came back and I soon realised it was just not true…..
Money donated for a specific reason
by enoughisenough ini decided to do this posting because of some comments in the post about pensions.
in the mid to late 1980's there was a flood and the local kingom hall was damaged and many of the friends homes were damaged...groups came in to help repair.
my then mother-in-law literally lost everything-she had no home to repair...she had been renting a small trailer and it washed away.
The thread’s about donations.this is the fact
hosera day ago
“If you’re not popular expect nothing from the congregation”
The lack of any organised poor-fund means that only those near the centre of things are thought of. No good relying on an elders’s memory.
The Society have said to not donate to them money for a specific purpose eg. A hurricane relief. Just put it in the WWWFund and trust us to what is best...
Ali Millar
by jonahstourguide inhi all.. a news article regarding ali millar popped up on abc here in australia.. some of you folks in the uk may have heard of her.. she has released a book entitled 'the last days'.
i guess from the article that her story rings true to anyone aware of the wt religions' modus operandi.. here is the link and i will paste some of the news article.
ali millar's upbringing in the jehovah's witnesses was traumatic.
“ n a statement to the ABC, Jehovah's Witnesses Australasian spokesperson Tom Pecipajkovski denied that the religious group controls what women wear, stating: "Each individual Jehovah's Witness has the freedom to choose what type of clothing to wear. Our organisation does not list which styles of clothing are acceptable and which are objectionable."
Hmmm. Remember this publication?
by Atlantis in2022-08-09-announcement.. click image to enlarge.. .
Thanks Atlantis ….. and , Hey! I could read this one with no download problems.
This was notable…….” elders' meetings should be held in person as was done prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.There will be no provision for a remote tie-in. Elders who are unable to attend in person maybe consulted prior to elders' meetings and should be updated on the body's decisions afterward.”
So brother elder who has a good reason to be careful will only be told afterwards of the body decisions. He is effectively excluded. He could just be told later that “ we have recommended Bro Numpty to be an elder” or any other daft decision. Of course he will be expected to support it out of loyalty..
The CALENDAR GIVEth and the calendar TAKEth away! (a fun topic)
by Terry inthe calendar giveth and the calendar taketh away!did you know…?we are all familiar with the disoriented feeling of time distortion when daylightsavings time occurs twice each year - but - imagine the radical discombobulationa calendar change resulting in the disappearance of 300 years!
!yeah - i know!but that could never happen.
or maybe um - well - nah!
If you don’t check the link to the source article, please note that it concludes as follows:
” What's more, Chinese records show every appearance of Halley's Comet since 240 B.C, including passes during the "phantom" time, all of which can be verified with our own astronomical calculations today.
Sorry, phantom time fans, the year is 2021 and a pope was bad at math.”
Still, it is a fun idea !
An aspect of dealing with my elderly, PIMI, Father
by joe134cd infor a bit of back ground.
i’m a full blown pomo apostate.
nothing would please me more to see wt burn to the ground.
If we have close family that are active dubs, to me it makes no sense to d/a oneself.
My wife is active and true believer , although not entirely brainwashed. When I stepped aside from the WT and gave up my responsibilities, things were fraught and could have gone either way. Now though we get on fine , just don’t discuss it anymore. She is great and I am so glad we are together. I can still deal with the local dubs and before Covid we could socialise as a couple.
3 years in the making
by Judgerussellford inthursday while i was at work, a new elder stopped by the house (almost 3 years after fading) to encourage us to go back to meetings.
said everyone misses us.
if you did, why not stop by and say hi every now and then?
Hello Judge....
I admire your attitude towards them. I am still on speaking terms but they mostly leave me alone. When they come , they will want to put you on the spot to answer their questions. If you let them control the conversation they can tie a person up in knots and you would have to deny the faith completely to get out of agreeing with them.
Make them answer your questions. Employ a Socratic technique by giving them some unexpected questions to answer...
I agree with the advice to try and keep it friendly.....All the best.
2022-08-01-Credit-Debit-Cards--Amounts by Area!
by Atlantis in2022-08-01-debit and credit cards.
monthly donation amounts by area. .
Irrespective of the way it is paid, would someone please explain to me what this suggested donation per area is all about?
The basic principle that we ever knew was that all donations were freely given just much as you could afford, remember the widow’s mite?
The only suggested donation was for the congregation to the Assembly Hall, based on the number of publishers. That was paid from the cong. Funds and did not affect the publishers.
So, what is this set donation figure ?