My favourite Wt article title…. 1978 Aug. 1st
“Sex Without Marriage, Why It Hurts”.
yes, that is an actual question in the awake magazine.
jw kids lives are already miserable enough trying to obey all the ignorant rules of the wt.. no sports, no school dance, no holidays.... just field service.
as if that isn't enough.... let's take away their puppy dogs too!.
My favourite Wt article title…. 1978 Aug. 1st
“Sex Without Marriage, Why It Hurts”.
“there is nothing more ironic and curious than a trapper being caught in his own trap or a plot backfiring.
ironic justice is the best revenge.” the inventor of the brazen bull, one if the most heinous torture devices in history was tricked to go inside of it and died of the torture he created.. probably one of the greatest movies ever made features revenge as its theme: once upon a time in the west.
sadly in this movie the main character doesn’t rely on ironic justice happening by god or chance.
One of the most helpful and liberating thoughts I read in a self-help book was this question: …. “Who ever promised you that life was going to be fair”?
The fact is that life is unfair. The bad people prosper, the good die young and kindly folk are often exploited by the selfish.. That’s the way life is, so accept that it will happen, we cannot change the world .
Learn from life’s bad experiences, move on , learn to deal with it . It is often said that “the best revenge is a life well lived”
how many of you would have spent the hours "pioneering" if it weren't for the pats on the back and being looked up to as someone special in the congregation?
i will admit that back in late 1970's i attempted to aux pioneer during a campaign because it was promoted and seemed the right thing to do,but i didn't get the hours and it was stressful trying to...and i didn't feel like a cheerful giver.
i never attempted it again.
When I was young and stupid I gave up a job and Pioneered. It didn’t last long . The ones who were doing it with went off elsewhere and I was left alone and soon got dispirited. I got another job.
Once, much later the PO had the bright idea that all the elders woul Aux. Pio. One May . I guess it looked good…. I was bullied into it and managed somehow in between work. I hated it.. it was soul destroying to have to go out just to be able to write figures on a report.
Come on....... King Charles has no real power .... The two governments of USA and U.K. are allies but to call the one world power is a big stretch. I have never seen this Anglo American World Power, not since WW2 and then Russia was one of the three allies.
the bible predicts that at some point, the god of the bible will take action.
this is very convincing when reading bible prophecy and history to back up prophecy as represented in the bible.
—exactly when god acts is another subject..
Eventually something will happen... but what and when we don’t know.
Even the most godless atheist would predict an end eventually.. I am still a believer in God, Jesus and the Bible ( but not as literally as I used to) and I am willing to say there is much I don’t understand and I accept that this is a minority view on here.
Jesus promised to return but gave no indication of when, instead warned against setting a time. It is easy , in the light of the scientific predictions of climate change, to say “ this is it! “.... but who knows.
our witness friend who during covid grew his beard has been hassled by elders who asked him "why" he chose to have facial growth.
he for real, had to give an answer why.
this is pharasees total rubbish.
Back in the day they published this about beards.. after explaining why they now depicted Jesus with a beard, they said:
Wt 1968 5/1 p 288
“In paradise restored on earth it would not be out of order if men returned to wearing beards, in perfect fashion, like Adam in Eden.”
In UK these days it does not seem to be a problem, I have seen several bearded brothers, including elders.
The counsel against them ,in my times started in the late sixties/ seventies when they were seen to be a “ hippie” thing. Most of us could not see a problem with them though, if neat and tidy.
i was brought up as a born-in(tm) here in the uk.
it wasn't until i was 50 that the scales fell from my eyes, i woke up, got da'd from the cult and my wife was advised to leave me by the elders whom i had served with on the boe.
one of which i know wanted to schtupf her.
Hello Punk.
It seems that my life followed a similar course to yours. My mother was a doorstop convert when I was toddler. I was brought up in “The Truth” , then MS , then elder which I served for many years . Like you I was around 50 when I woke up.
“50 wasted bloody years.“.....indeed.
I chose the slow fade rather than D/a myself. Luckily my wife is not a typical dub and we still get on well. I make compromises to help out...
Anyway , do I regret that wasted life ? Yes!
I despise the Organisation that caused it all. But life goes on. We have few years remaining so I would rather try and find contentment, if I can ( it does not always happen)
we seem to be if a more secular society here in the west, these days.
i'm speaking from the uk.. with the lack of belief in god/s, i'm wondering if all the seeming (note: i said seeming!
), deification of people like greta thunberg, george floyd and celebs amongst others, if people who have no real belief system, are filling the gap left by god with people?.
“Or has the World gone totally stupid?“
In my later years, I often think so... maybe that is a simplistic view but all I can conclude. The modern world I do not understand. I an often at odds with it all and, frankly I am glad that I am nearer to the end of life and have no offspring to worry about.
joseph and mary were not in a spiritually adulterous relationship with the roman authorities, the "legs of iron".
joseph and mary were not perfect.
the governing body of the modern-day organization of jehovah's witnesses is not perfect.
God’s servants on earth have always still shown human failings , eg. Peter’s succumbing To Jewish influence ( racism) and Paul’s “sharp burst of anger “ . However these were personal failings , not teaching errors. Whenever Holy Spirit guided them to write or speak, it was accurate and true.
I have no problem with the GB being normal men. I chuckled at AM3. buying a crate of whisky and Stephen Lett’s peculiarities and ill judged comments. I do see a problem when their teaching is seriously off and has to be corrected or quietly forgotten.
You know of course about the massive campaign 100 years ago to promote the teaching that “ Millions Now Living Will Never Die”. The then President had to admit later that “ I made an ass of myself” over that. Did Holy Spirit direct that campaign? Clearly not.
What I see in this Organisation is the hallmark of an company of men , human failings abound and no amount of their claims of being directed by God and Jesus, will convince me otherwise.
does anyone know what publication is being studied at the midweek meetings.
i used to know but it has flown out of my brain.
it is treating some of past issues that were once taught by the wts or have seen material that questions it.
This publication “Enjjoy Life Forever “ is not really a book , it is the interactive study material that they now use for new students. It seems laughably simple and short on detailed information but asks the student the kind of questions that can only be answered the Watchtower way. It includes videos. I guess that fills the time.