Road To Nowhere.
Thanks for your considered reply.. All the best wishes.
there seems to be a difference of opinion between geoffrey jackson and tonny morris on how to deal with their feelings towards worldly people.geoffrey jackson made a point to say in his talk that jesus wept for the wicked in jerusalem but following that bloodthirsty tony morris in his talk wants the demon stirred wicked humanity gone..
Road To Nowhere.
Thanks for your considered reply.. All the best wishes.
there seems to be a difference of opinion between geoffrey jackson and tonny morris on how to deal with their feelings towards worldly people.geoffrey jackson made a point to say in his talk that jesus wept for the wicked in jerusalem but following that bloodthirsty tony morris in his talk wants the demon stirred wicked humanity gone..
There is a lot of exaggeration about Tony Morris’ whisky. I saw the video the someone shot in a liquor store.. yes he bought a box of whisky, which I found amusing but I never saw a Cadillac……
I was settling into the talk from the AGM on that video, but then the presenter cut in and took over . I wanted to hear the rest of Tony Morris’s talk . What did he say in the bit we did see? That “The World “ is controlled by demons…
Well, we all know that is what dubs believe. We have always known that. They don’t mean the normal people, they mean those doing horrible things.. the school shooters , the politicians who invade other countries etc. Back in the day we all believed it . It is a convenient label to hang on those who do things that just cannot be explained
for those of you who still respect the bible, which translation/s are you using now?
It seems that people have their personal favourites. The important thing is accuracy in translation, and who is to say which is the “best” since they are all produced by scholars.
As an ex Witness, brought up on the Original NWT , I still use it a lot. I suppose that would be my ‘go to’ translation. For study of a verse I like to compare translations . I use the Blue Letter Bible site and I have now bookmarked the Bible Hub. Thank you to the poster who gave the link…
my wife had a hip replacement on june the 17th and while the op itself was apparently succesful ,she has had a reaction to the anesthetic ?
and has suffered delirium and is still in hospital with no apparent improvement.. its been very distressing for me to say the least.
sorry if i sound a bit morbid but i just had to share,.
Hi Smiddy, sorry I missed this thread earlier. I am glad that your wife is better now. It is frightening experience for the loved ones looking on.
I had a similar experience a few years back . I broke my hip and after the op I went into postoperative dementia. I don’t remember much about it but I was not at all “ with it” . After a few days or week or so ( I’m not sure) I came round but it took some while to get really back to normal mentally.
So, I’m glad your ordeal is over and I wish you both all the best.
can i ask please especially for all who are pomo?.
we've taken a decision similar to revelation 18:4 to get out of the watchtower and not share in its sins.. how many of you still believe that god will one day terminate the world's many systems by means of an armageddon?.
One day , maybe…..who knows?
I do know that there is no good worrying about something that will probably not be in my lifetime and is completely unknowable…..
so a few years i watched a lecture series by a man named dr. micheal heiser called the two powers in heaven, jesus in the old testament.
funny thing was it wasn't even very evangelical in nature, so i turned off my religious binders and just watched it like a regular person.
it turns out that the new testament is a hinge point in the bible.
“ It got me thinking, how depressing it is to spend your entire life trying to disprove this. It literally comes up at every meeting”
No it doesn’t… Back in the day, maybe because it was a burning issue that they had to deal with on the doorstep. In the 21st century nobody raises that objection so they do not mention it … I can’t remember the last time.
i would like to ask the ex-jws on this site to put their ‘apologists hat’ back on for a moment, so that i can go through the overlapping generation teaching in an attempt to make sense of it.
i apologise if these points have already been addressed on this site.a quick background for the reason for my request… having never confronted a jw apologist on the topic, i recently engaged with a jw regarding the official understanding of a ‘generation’ and unfortunately he didn’t have an answer to the points i was making.
i was left a little confused as to what the official jw response would/should i was hoping that my thoughts below might be considered from an apologist’s perspective.the point in question relates to this section of the watchtower article below from 2008, as well as the video explanation of the overlapping generation:---:w08 2/15[box on page 25] can we calculate the length of “this generation”?the word “generation” usually refers to people of various ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period or event.
Jehovah’s Witness elders are not Biblical archaeologists, they have no knowledge apart from what the WT has taught them . Indeed, it has been levelled at me that I “ would know nothing without the Society, so why do I dispute what they say?”.
The fact is that nowadays we can find out information in readable forms without a degree in archaeology. Of course we have to guard against false information, but that can usually be spotted and when subjected to a group such as ours , falsehoods are called out.
JWs are not permitted to read contradictory information. The video correctly showed the attitude. JWs just trust the Society. Of course the Bible does not give a BCE date for the fall of Jerusalem ,it is calculated by men .
What the Bible does say is “ Do not put your trust in nobles nor in the son of earthling man” (Ps. 146 : 3) NWT .
click the image to enlarge.. sister carrying microphone at kingdom hall in pants!.
brother in blue jeans out in service.. .
Would never have happened at my old hall, mind you, it should have….
The first pic - Looking at the rest of the cong. it could well be in the Far East. So cultural differences could account for it. ( nice looking sister 😊)
various researchers a have been looking for an anti-aging pill based on the assumption that, if you can maintain a higher.
level of various endogenous anti-oxidants ( catalase, sod, etc), you could probably slow down the aging process.
even some skeptics.
Who wants to live longer ? When my time is up and the grim reaper comes calling, I am happy to go.
there's been a few commentaries on this topic of late, so i'm offering a few more thoughts.. here's an extract from 2 samuel 12, consider for a moment the implications.. 7 then nathan said to david, “you are the man!
this is what the lord, the god of israel, says: ‘i anointed you king over israel, and i delivered you from the hand of saul.
8 i gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms.
Yes, there is no disguising it….. women were considered as little more than property in OT times. Jesus changed all that ( read Mathew 19) and Christian husbands are under the command to “ Love their wives”