The subject is searching for lost sheep. How do the congregation view the inactive ones who no longer associate? Not with disdain, we are told but as lost sheep “still our brothers “ It is said that God loves them and they too must do what they can to help them.
Why have we strayed ? It is suggested we had personal problems, had to work long hours or simply became depressed ( it is alway us, isn’t it , never the result of their faulty teachings and the application of a working mind to what they say.)
it seems also that we are very unhappy in our state. Examples are given of those who slipped out but dearly wanted to come back . If that is true of some, they should never have left.
This picture completes the article, but there is more next week. The picture is meant to show an ex sister on a bus looking wistfully at a Witness couple in service in the street with a trolley . She apparently envies them and wishes she were with them.
What words would you put in her mouth?