I don’t know if it is widely used but it is not something the rank and file would use . This seems to digitise the paper work that I-and many others had to do. It may raise data protection issues but that may be covered by the forms they all sign..
This... from the site:
”JW Scheduler was created to help simplify and unify the scheduling and organising by appointed brothers in the congregation. Whether you are serving as an elder or ministerial servant, the Coordinator of of Body of Elders, Secretary, or have any other responsibility, we hope that JW Scheduler makes your work easier and quicker. That way we can all spend more time with our families, preaching, teaching and shepherding!
JW Scheduler was created and is maintained by a small team of brothers and sisters based in Australia. Our team are all currently in full-time service, and all brothers are elders. Between us we have spent over 30 years in the full-time service, including more than 10 years in special full-time service. Our team members have also served at branch offices, remote translation offices and in lands where the need is greater.”