All interesting stuff. It is good to know about the archaeological findings . I am glad this was posted.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
The Cross in Pompeii & Herculaneum in 79 AD
by Sea Breeze incan someone please tell the wt janitor to turn the lights off when the last jw leaves the watchtower after learning that early christians used the cross as a christian logo of sorts?
2021-September-27-Announcement-COVID Vaccinations!
by Atlantis in2021-september-27-announcement-covid vaccinations.
I am in favour of vaccination but if I were an elder I would not like to be told what my opinion should be or what to say about a personal family decision.
What Do You Think?
by Atlantis indo you think the tower is getting money from the government for encouraging people to get vaccinated?
or is there just too much lemon in my tea?. administration provides $121 million in american rescue plan funds to support local community-based efforts to increase covid-19 vaccinations in underserved communities.
Maybe, of course.. since they did get involved with the Govt. food aid programme.
However, if they have any savvy they would not do so. It would risk their credibility as an independent adviser acting solely for the good of their members. Also they have not come out and actually said “take it” , except leaning heavily that way in a letter to full time servants.
( Edit.. I have just read the new announcement to elders, which is pretty strong. While not insisting they get vaxxed they definitely must not talk against it or be accused of spreading dissent. Hmm . That may have affected what I wrote above, but I still doubt they are claiming a handout , although I have been here too long to say “ of course not”)
Is the Bethel Farm in Wallkill Co. still there?
by Etude ini've been out of this loop (or any other) for a while.
can someone tell me if the bethel farm facilities are still there in wallkill county, ny?
i was there for about a year.
It is still there .. alive and printing according to their official website. You may download a tour brochure although tours are suspended during Covid.
Does anyone have a copy of the Jan 1st 1989 Watchtower I can buy
by mickbobcat ini want to buy a copy not a copy of one but the actual copy of a 1989 jan 1st watchtower.
let me know i would like to have one to show someone i am talking to about it.
There is another quote that is still to be found on Watchtower On Line ( . This is the “Know Jehovah “ book
The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovahp. 216
"Shortly, within our twentieth century, the "battle in the day of Jehovah" will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom."
Does anyone have a copy of the Jan 1st 1989 Watchtower I can buy
by mickbobcat ini want to buy a copy not a copy of one but the actual copy of a 1989 jan 1st watchtower.
let me know i would like to have one to show someone i am talking to about it.
I see what you mean, Diss JW . We always took it that it was referring to the Global Ministry that would, we were told, continue to the very end of the system. We used to use the scripture at Isaiah 6.11
“At this I said: “How long, O Jehovah?” Then he said:
“Until the cities crash in ruins without an inhabitant”
(NB. Nobody was thinking of Covid at that time ! )
Does anyone have a copy of the Jan 1st 1989 Watchtower I can buy
by mickbobcat ini want to buy a copy not a copy of one but the actual copy of a 1989 jan 1st watchtower.
let me know i would like to have one to show someone i am talking to about it.
Isn’t this the one where they said that the ministry work would be completed in the twentieth century.?
At a group study one Tuesday in the early nineties an old sister commented that we knew this because the Watchtower had said so. We all said “ no, they would not say that “ but she insisted. After the study someone got a bound volume and it did not say it. She was perplexed, “ I keep it and read it over for comfort, she said” A bro. Got his car out and ran her home to get it.
Sure enough, the single original mag said it but the bound volume didn’t!
Reminds me of Orwell’s 1984 when he was employed doctoring past newspapers to make it look as though the Government had achieved their commitments.
“He who controls the past controls the future”
Good news and bad news --- pandemic and Kingdom Halls.
by pistolpete inu/aposta-fish from exjw reddit.
good news bad news pandemic and kingdom halls.. first the bad news, coming out of israel - one of the first countries to push total vaccination.
the news is the vaccine especially the pfizer one looks like it wears off and hospital rates have gone up for those that have been vaccinated.
They are not really missing meetings.... they are doing them virtually via zoom. I sit along , with camera turned off , some Sundays and even the oldies are now adept at using it. They mainly sit , smartly dressed, in range and are a dab hand at the mute/unmute thing.
Nevertheless it’s a poor substitute for the KHall routine, we shall see what affect it has on them. The poor dears so much miss “the Ministry “ ( I don’t think)
As for vaccines , the U.K. has announced a booster shot for the elderly and vulnerable. I shall be first in the queue.
Four Horsemen ...and an Apocalypse (a memoir)
by Terry infour horsemen ...and an apocalypse.
the bar sign on top of the ramshackle building reads: “the four horsemen”.. my best friend bob yells for me to hear him once we stepped inside the door.. “ spot... motorcycle ‘club... the punishers...” that’s all i could hear because of the loud music.. jukebox music pounded my head.
the click-clack of the pool tables, outbursts of laughter, and loud voices filled my ears till they rang.. eventually, i learned that the punishers are a brotherhood of law enforcement officers, court officials, correctional officers; and like-minded individuals.. did the strange critters in this bar look like anything but worrisome outlaws?
Brilliantly written Terry ... Your comical similes had me guffawing. Thanks for the best read I have had all day
Of course Splane did not say anything about Delroy Grant. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
However it appears true that he associated with the congregation, some may have considered him a brother ( that is what some think of me because I was often there with my wife pre Covid , and that would be a mistake too) .
Whether the drama will bring this out I don’t know , it didn’t play a part in his capture as far as I know..