I see that they still provide children’s “blood cards” in the form of Identity Cards for young ones…. I get that an adult is free to choose but it does not seem right to place this on a child.
Thanks Atlantis , as always ☕️🧁
2021-september 20, assisting asylum-seekers from russia.
click the image to zoom in.page 1. https://postimg.cc/vxd6tkq7page 2. https://postimg.cc/mchy3cyspage 3. https://postimg.cc/gt29knwypage 4. https://postimg.cc/ywdnwbgj-------------------------------announcementjanuary 14, 20222022-01-14 announcements.
page 1. https://postimg.cc/2qrktfvspage 2. https://postimg.cc/4ybzyfmk--------------------------------2021-12new medical documents.
I see that they still provide children’s “blood cards” in the form of Identity Cards for young ones…. I get that an adult is free to choose but it does not seem right to place this on a child.
Thanks Atlantis , as always ☕️🧁
apostate lyrics to a bob dylan/jimi hendrix classic .
i know nothing of the singer but he is not bad at all.
Apostate lyrics to a Bob Dylan/Jimi Hendrix classic
I know nothing of the singer but he is not bad at all. If you know of him please enlighten me
(Nb don’t let a brief appearance of Lloyd Evans spoil your enjoyment of a cracking tune.)
just curious but how do the people off this forum find reddit.
for myself i find reddit to be sadly lacking in the jw world.
i just don't find the depth there e.g one sentence replies, trying to be funny.
Reddit ? I have always found it tedious ,superficial and too many brief one liner comments to be interesting…..
Since Lioyd Evans has come into this, I don’t see why he is so disliked . His videos are admittedly over stated and repetitive but , hey… anyone who spends his time debunking the Watchtower has got to be on our side ….
hi mike:.
the file you have requested, is a file i will not provide a link for out here on simon's board.
i will be happy to give you a link for that "forbidden" file in private.
Oh boy, when I was a lad growing up we had old bros and sis who would speak lovingly of the days of “ The Judge” as they called him . They had carried his sermons door to door, lugged phonographs playing recordings of his booming voice gone to the Albert Hall to see him in person . He was a hero to them.
What would they make of this ? I am sure they would refuse to believe it .
When I first heard such allegations I doubted it too. I was thing of the Society as it is now with a structure that would investigate such things. Back then though the President was God , there was no one to reign him in , he could do what he liked. I have seen too much smoke not to believe that their must be fire ……. 🤔
do you think the jdubs will start up the door whacking again one day?.
there has to be many inside the org that are dreading having to do that again and as for the general public seeing this, it’s hard to imagine.
“One day” , yes I am sure they will. It is their raison de’tre and they will do it out of sheer cussedness to show they are not beaten. They will dust off the magazine carts as well and hit the High Street .
It will start slowly with pilot schemes in non risk areas. The Org will make videos of ones saying how much 5hey have missed it and how glad they are to be back out there . In reality 90% of the publishers wlll groan and force themselves out .
C’mon the JWs themselves are past masters at avoiding questions and ignoring well constructed arguments. This goes all the way from individuals,like my family, who totally refuse to consider a valid criticism, right up to the top and the written articles.
Actually it is a skill you need to develop as a dub . In the ministry I used to try and develop this art of talking around a difficult question. I was once told by a c/o “ you don’t have to answer every question, just acknowledge it” ….. Like a politician, eh?
Ex Witnesses generally supply a reasoned argument, in my experience. Of course there will always be those who resort to name calling if you disagree, but they can be ignored.
I have found on line excellent reasons to not accept those teachings of the WTS that do not emanate directly from Scriptures. I am sure you can too.
no, this isn't about suddenly becoming aware of how much you hate airports.
it is about people with profound brain impairments like mental retardation, alzheimer's, stroke and dementia (often in a coma) suddenly becoming normal and lucid shortly before passing away.
this is important because the wt teaches that consciousness is a function of the physical brain.
The WT seems somewhat unique among religious groups to insist that there is no consciousness after death.
Actually some other groups teach that the soul is unconscious awaiting a future call. The modern Seventh-day Adventists for one
i am.. they are just fellow brothers, old and getting senile.... but enlightened, despite all the whining.....
I can certainly relate to a lot that DoubtingThomas says. Realising that the Watchtower is wrong is no reason to lose faith in God & Jesus.
A criticism hurled at me before now is that I should respect the ones who taught me about the Scripture... but that does not mean I have to follow all the things that they have reasoned out and proved to be in error.
Can you be a JW and not follow the GB? ... Well you can certainly witness to Jehovah if you like, but can you BE one of that Organisation known internationally as Jehovah’s Witnesses? No , as their written statements clearly show.
Being a Dub is all about loyalty, that is not to God but loyalty to the Organisation and the GB.
again, i'm a decade removed from the faith.
i'm catching up now, and can't believe what i'm seeing.. i get that jw leadership faced a dilemma.
there is no intellectual apparatus within the faith.
I very much enjoyed Oldschool’s post and everything he said is born our even more so today...
i found this on exjwreddit.
a pimo elder is in the middle of an event where a former co allegedly kissed a brother from another hall.. the co denied it so the other elders are frustrated because they can't have a judicial meeting.
if true, can he be disfellowshipped?
I say no. Kissing is not an act of sexual immorality, not Pornea. I know you can be d/f’d for viewing extreme porn but this is different.
in the Bible there are instances of same sex affectionate kisses.
Certainly a man would be strongly counselled , removed from any responsibility but I can’t see grounds for d/f … until he is found to have gone further…….