The Watchtower has toned down the rhetoric a lot in recent years and that apples to Babylon the Great, the U N and homosexuality. The position on these things has not changed but they say it more politely now.
They did say this in May 2020 which is pretty recent
The king of the north has supported the king of the south in one key endeavor; they “put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation.” (Dan. 11:31) That “disgusting thing” is the United Nations.
18. Why is the United Nations described as a “disgusting thing”?
18 The United Nations organization is described as a “disgusting thing” because it claims to be able to do something that only God’s Kingdom can do—bring world peace. And the prophecy says that the disgusting thing “causes desolation” because the United Nations will play a key role in the destruction of all false religion.”
NB .. 20 years ago I was new to this board having recently awoke to WT , I was shocked to think that all the time I had conducted Group Studies in the Rev book lambasting the U N, they were cozying up to it as an NG O!