I admire the way you have handled this Captain, and it seems your niece picked a good lad from a good home . It seems to be working out.
I wish you and her all the very best.
so, my 17 year old niece reveals to me that for the past few years, her father (my sister's husband) has been physically and verbally abusive to her.enough so that it finally came to a breaking point, and she reported it to the police.
she told me that she had wished she had told me sooner, but she was trying to wait til she was 18 so that she could leave.i knew that she and her parents had been locking horns for the past couple of years, but i chalked it up to teen puberty and general growing pains.
but on their last, most recent visit, i could tell that something was really eating at her.apparently, what set off this latest incident was that he discovered that she had been seeing/involved with a non-witness boy about her age, and got so violent with her that it left marks.ironically, she went and got help from her boyfriend's father, a paramedic, who documented the injuries and encouraged her to report it.so, yeah, he spent a night in jail.she is now staying at the parents of her boyfriend, while still trying to have some aspects of her old life (work, school, etc.
I admire the way you have handled this Captain, and it seems your niece picked a good lad from a good home . It seems to be working out.
I wish you and her all the very best.
i know there was a painting of a woman being resurrected naked and someone coming to greet her holding clothes, but what about after perfection, after the thousand years?.
the idea is we're supposed to achieve what adam lost by returning to human perfection, so wouldn't that include not wearing clothes, especially as the act of adam and eve hiding in the trees and sewing fig leaves signified shame, and imperfection passed on through the reproductive organs.
has the wt ever addressed this?
I have never seen this written down but when I was a young boy in the late 50s or early 60s , I was told by those that were older and grown up that when the millennium was over we would be perfect and so have no bodily shame and would not wear clothes.
You can imagine the ideas this put in a young boy’s head !
At that time it seemed that New World living would just strolling around a park like paradise, in the nicky-nude , with a tiger by our side and plucking the fruit from the trees.
here in 2022 if anyone says anything against the vaccines even a little bit you are almost apostate.. someone once mentioned all vaccinated sports stars collapsing and someone else said not to speak badly about the gb or by extension jehovah.. the gb can’t get out of this one, it’s gone too far.
it’s now the case that if you speak against the vaccines you are speaking against the gb and by extension jehovah .
One has only to mention the word vaccine to start pages of pro and anti posts. I’m keeping quiet about it.
The main point of the o/p was , I think, “ someone else said not to speak badly about the GB or by extension Jehovah.”
The trouble with dubs days is that cannot tell the difference between God’s word and that of the old boys up Tuxedo Junction. That is the way they have made it.
.....or ban jw sisters from using mascara??????
"the bible never refers to a servant of god celebrating a birthday.
this is not simply an oversight, for it does record two birthday celebrations by those not serving god.
Booger Man’s point seems to be that the GB makes up doctrines according to their own ideas , and then find a Bible principle that can be stretched to fit…
what can we say? Er, yes…… that is what they do .
Personally I as still cautious regarding Covid and I have no argument with their stance on it.
But that is my decision based on my health problems. I do not try and pretend that it is God’s will. Are not Christians told to “ carry their own load of responsibility “ and make personal decisions on matters of conscience?
there seems to be a push to fast track the younger men to become elders.
beings jesus was 30 when he took up his ministry, i would think that would sort of be an age gauge...the older men were to have their children in subjection, so some were old enough to have children that were old enough to want to rebel.
( that's my slant ) how will the ones who have been jw for years respond to being counseled by those younger than some of their grandchildren?
hoser said
“ Elders and ministerial servants are less likely to leave the truth.”
Then why are we all on here? Since being here I have come across a plethora of ex elders, MS’s and Bethel Boys… I heard of a congregation that disfellowshipped 2 younger elders in a short time .
I think being appointed let’s you see the dark underbelly of the congregation and the Bof E . You lose the innocent faith that all is lovely…
here is the thing: i tried several times to watch the convention...i just couldn't seem to forge ahead with it.
the reason i wanted to was to be able to engage in conversation about it with some of my old friends that communicate by phone that don't know i have disassociated.
i want to be able to slip in seeds of doubt, but at the same time i have to seem a bit current...) so i welcome to know any take outs, commentary, good or bad, or the video plots, etc.
The above is a screenshot from the New World video on Friday. Do my eyes deceive me or are they barbecuing steaks? All my life I have understood that New World eating would be strictly vegetarian….. For me that is a first! I told my wife that I would NOT volunteer to work in the
i have a family member who had been df'ed for 15 years or so...recently they reinstated as a jw.
when i asked what motivated them to make that decision, the response was to be able to see family and old friends.
they insisted that things were different now.
The .Org has changed, but not for the better. It is much more up with the times in its presentation. Video intrudes into every meeting and it seems more slick . The articles are shorter and have no real meat in them , it all seems written for the uneducated, I believe to make translation easy.
More loving? .... give over ! They may talk about love but don’t seem to know how to show it.
somebody mentioned in a recent topic that they had a conversation with a former elder whose breaking point was when the overlapping generation was highlighted in recent times and how he would never serve again until somebody gave him a scriptural reason to believe it.
i am in a similar position.
i have gone in the last 18 months from taking the wt study, leading fs groups, and doing talks on the mtngs to doing almost nothing, as i resigned a little over a year ago as an elder due to a combination of family responsibilities and huge doubts.
This thread is 7 yr old but still relevant today. We need a reason to wake ourselves up.
Having been in from a small boy in the fifties I just couldn’t countenance being in the 21st Century and still be in the “old world “ . Something was obviously wrong with the time scale. Once I realised that , all the other niggling doubts came back and I soon realised it was just not true…..
i decided to do this posting because of some comments in the post about pensions.
in the mid to late 1980's there was a flood and the local kingom hall was damaged and many of the friends homes were damaged...groups came in to help repair.
my then mother-in-law literally lost everything-she had no home to repair...she had been renting a small trailer and it washed away.
The thread’s about donations.this is the fact
“If you’re not popular expect nothing from the congregation”
The lack of any organised poor-fund means that only those near the centre of things are thought of. No good relying on an elders’s memory.
The Society have said to not donate to them money for a specific purpose eg. A hurricane relief. Just put it in the WWWFund and trust us to what is best...