I have to agree with Smiddy
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
What's this fixation with Lloyd Evans? 4887 pages?
by smiddy3 inwhat`s wrong with you people lol isn`t it time to button up ?
why did Jehovah create flightless birds ?
by stan livedeath inostriches, chickens, emus, penguins, ...the dodo + others i cant remember.. it seems a bit mean..
Flightless birds , mammals in the sea?
Why not? They have thrived for millennia without man’s interference
Pursue Peace Assembly 2022 .. Joseph shares stories about his Bible days
by RULES & REGULATIONS inpursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
O K , I have just had to sit through an hour and three-quarters of this in order to get this from the horses mouth.
It is a running set of videos through the morning program. It is cunningly done so you think at first this is a modern day family meal. Later they introduce scenes of them having been in jail . In the very last scene they make it plain . It is in the New World and Joseph is one of them … They bombard him with questions.
Now, either the audience is not supposed to take these videos too literally, or they think the audience are pretty stupid…….
Never mind in 50 years…. That’s more like us now !
Watchtower vs Islam: Why the deafening silence?
by raymond frantz inwhy has the watchtower failed spectacularly to evangelize to the muslims?
considering the recent influx of muslim people in european countries you would think that some attempt from the religion that touts the are preaching the good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth would have been made.instead the only meaningful attempt dates back to 1953 ,almost 70 years ago!!!!
book " man's search for god.what do you think?
Not sure if this has been mentioned but this announcement in 1983
”The Society has produced three new booklets in English for the special purpose of helping people of certain religious backgrounds. The booklet TheTime for True Submission to God (sm) is designed to help Muslims tounderstand the truth. ”
Incidentally , Britain has a certain Muslim population. In my time as a Witness we always enjoyed witnessing to them. They were respectful and listened. Never found any interest in our message though.
Never thought I would see this in my family circle
by Captain Schmideo2 inso, my 17 year old niece reveals to me that for the past few years, her father (my sister's husband) has been physically and verbally abusive to her.enough so that it finally came to a breaking point, and she reported it to the police.
she told me that she had wished she had told me sooner, but she was trying to wait til she was 18 so that she could leave.i knew that she and her parents had been locking horns for the past couple of years, but i chalked it up to teen puberty and general growing pains.
but on their last, most recent visit, i could tell that something was really eating at her.apparently, what set off this latest incident was that he discovered that she had been seeing/involved with a non-witness boy about her age, and got so violent with her that it left marks.ironically, she went and got help from her boyfriend's father, a paramedic, who documented the injuries and encouraged her to report it.so, yeah, he spent a night in jail.she is now staying at the parents of her boyfriend, while still trying to have some aspects of her old life (work, school, etc.
I admire the way you have handled this Captain, and it seems your niece picked a good lad from a good home . It seems to be working out.
I wish you and her all the very best.
Naked in the New World
by neat blue dog ini know there was a painting of a woman being resurrected naked and someone coming to greet her holding clothes, but what about after perfection, after the thousand years?.
the idea is we're supposed to achieve what adam lost by returning to human perfection, so wouldn't that include not wearing clothes, especially as the act of adam and eve hiding in the trees and sewing fig leaves signified shame, and imperfection passed on through the reproductive organs.
has the wt ever addressed this?
I have never seen this written down but when I was a young boy in the late 50s or early 60s , I was told by those that were older and grown up that when the millennium was over we would be perfect and so have no bodily shame and would not wear clothes.
You can imagine the ideas this put in a young boy’s head !
At that time it seemed that New World living would just strolling around a park like paradise, in the nicky-nude , with a tiger by our side and plucking the fruit from the trees.
Smoking gun GB can’t get out of this one
by Mikejw inhere in 2022 if anyone says anything against the vaccines even a little bit you are almost apostate.. someone once mentioned all vaccinated sports stars collapsing and someone else said not to speak badly about the gb or by extension jehovah.. the gb can’t get out of this one, it’s gone too far.
it’s now the case that if you speak against the vaccines you are speaking against the gb and by extension jehovah .
One has only to mention the word vaccine to start pages of pro and anti posts. I’m keeping quiet about it.
The main point of the o/p was , I think, “ someone else said not to speak badly about the GB or by extension Jehovah.”
The trouble with dubs days is that cannot tell the difference between God’s word and that of the old boys up Tuxedo Junction. That is the way they have made it.
Will the faithful slave now allow birthdays..........
by BoogerMan in.....or ban jw sisters from using mascara??????
"the bible never refers to a servant of god celebrating a birthday.
this is not simply an oversight, for it does record two birthday celebrations by those not serving god.
Booger Man’s point seems to be that the GB makes up doctrines according to their own ideas , and then find a Bible principle that can be stretched to fit…
what can we say? Er, yes…… that is what they do .
New Video from Pursue Peace Assembly talks down to jws on medical choice
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/bbgovnly3vy.
Personally I as still cautious regarding Covid and I have no argument with their stance on it.
But that is my decision based on my health problems. I do not try and pretend that it is God’s will. Are not Christians told to “ carry their own load of responsibility “ and make personal decisions on matters of conscience?