I was born in Dayton, lived in Troy & Tipp City for awhile till we moved when I was young ( 3 or 4 ).
Havn`t been back there in years.
i'm in search of a network of friends.
so, anyone in ohio that would like to meet up?
i'm in the middle of ohio, so i don't mind driving an hour or two.
I was born in Dayton, lived in Troy & Tipp City for awhile till we moved when I was young ( 3 or 4 ).
Havn`t been back there in years.
yes, it is so, that i have a brain tumor and i will be going to the hospital in about two hours.
i will ask my son richard to keep all of you posted.
i have all of you in my heart.
OFC hugs for you, you will be in my thoughts & prayers.
has anyone heard from ian since he went for the workup on thursday?
i'd like to know what day he's going into the hospital, so if anyone has heard, please post it.. marjorie.
Yes as soon as someone knows anything please fill us in.
Prayers & thoughts Dansk.
if you could go any place in the world and not worry about money, food, clothing, etc... where would you go?
I`d like to stay in New Zealand, but visit Hawaii often!!
summit pale ale (local brew)
or miller lite
whats your favorite beer.
wow!! sooooo many choices here! I like Sam Adams, and Beck`s myself.
we had a weekend away a couple of weeks ago.
i took a few classic dvd's along in case the weather turned sour.. so i watched ghost with demi moore, that pottery scene has to be one of my favourite ever..........gives me goosebumps!
but it's not my favourite movie of all time/ i'm embarrassed to admit it, but ok i will, cause i'm with friends!
I`m middle-aged so there are far to many that I really like! but recently in the past few years, I`m gonna say I extremely enjoyed the Lord of the Rings movies, and the Mummy movies with Brandon Frasier!!
......and I can`t forget "Big Fish"! I still cry when I watch this one.
it's really good to read stories of other people that have experienced some of the same things i have.
i haven't ever posted or even talked to another ex-jw except for my uncle who i have just recently started a relationship with.
the sad thing is that i am 30 years old and i am still struggling with the past....i'm soo sick of it.
"Welcome aboard beachbugg"! this is the place to be! Enjoy, and don`t be afraid to ask questions.
first, don knotts, then dennis weaver, now darren mcgavin.
i loved night stalker, jw though i was.
RIP to all three of these truly great guys, they will be missed. Such great memories with all of them growing up on the different shows each was in.
ok, i can't get enough of this guy.
i fell in love with him the minute he auditioned and even more last night when he sang.
i love his style.
I`m quite enjoying the rocker guys, Chris who sang a Bon Jovi, and Ace (cutie!) who sang a George Michael, Elliot`s not bad vocal wise we`ll see how he does the next few weeks. I hope a guy wins this year, it`s time.
My eyes! j/k, see an X