Oh now that`s funny Scully!!!
JoinedPosts by Beachbender
Guess what I found
by Lady Lee in.
they haven't knocked on my door but either they have gotten in or someone in the building is one.. i live in a russian seniors residence.
almost everyone is russian and most of them speak only russian.. i saw this in the hall outside the elevators and snatched it up before someone else decided to take it home and read
my heart is breaking
by joanne_ inhi all, just feeling kind of down.
breaking up with my boyfriend, i thought i knew him and could count on him...saw his true colors the other nite...
cyber hug for joanne_ (((( hugs)))) we`re here for you, he wasn`t worthy of you obviously!
American Idol
by Mulan ini just thought i would start a new american idol thread.. any comments on this week's shows?
i thought it was time for kellie to go.
i think she is just a darling girl, but not anywhere in the same league as the ones left now.
I`ll admit that Taylor is a good singer & very entertaining, but what makes him A.Idol worthy?! just asking
Just had to dedicate my 10000th post to you all on this board.
by stillajwexelder injust had to dedicate my 10000th post to you all on this board.
i know i am still a witness and some of you may not be pleased with that.
but i put false reports in and at least i know the truth and am no longer in bondage.
WoW! I`m impressed! Congratulations! It`s gonna take me forever just to get to 1,000!!! not much of a talker I`m not!
wassup people's?
by clay ini posted a long time ago about being in love with a girl that was a jw.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/20/90830/1.ashx.
anyway i decided to abandon the trying to hook up with this girl.and now that the storm (katrina) has destroyed our homes i dont know where she is.
i still have feelings for her but i took you guys advice and moved on.
Welcome back, great to hear that you found a new home.
American Idol
by Mulan ini just thought i would start a new american idol thread.. any comments on this week's shows?
i thought it was time for kellie to go.
i think she is just a darling girl, but not anywhere in the same league as the ones left now.
WoW! Lisa that`s awesome, have a blast!
After last night`s show I`m definitely thinking myself that Paris will go home tonight. But what do we know!? I was very surprised when Chris ended up in the bottom three the other week! For everyone who mentioned Chris here, if you can have you been voting for him?? I`m all for him winning but something tells me that Katharine will take this.
Your first "worldly" heroes?
by apfergus inone of the first things that i realized after i left the organization was that i could actually have human heroes who weren't bible characters.
now this will give you an idea of how much of a nerd i am, but the first person i began to idolize as a 17-18 year old teenager was richard p. feynman, the mid 20th century theoretical physicist.
of course, now i'm on my way to becoming a physicist myself, although i'm going into the experimental side instead of theory.
I was young when I left ( a teenager) so I wasn`t thinking along the lines of some of you here. I admired and respected my best friend`s (not a JW, this would be after I left ) Dad, he was a kind soul, with a great ability to listen to young people & give them small amounts of advice at a time. He had a big-heart and would help a stranger off the street, he showed me there was unconditional love that could be showed on a parents part. I still see him from time to time, and though his luck has changed through the years, he still stops and has time for anyone to listen to them, and his smile would light up a room.
I thank this man for being that father figure I needed when I couldn`t & didn`t have mine around.
by RichieRich ini work at target.
back in the good ole' days, witnesses used to come in all the time to see me.
i would say that there were maybe three or four families that came in regularly.. since the announcement was made though, i've had at least 35 diiferent people come in.
Richie you`re getting stronger everyday!
Update on Ian -- still in hospital, getting a little stronger
by Alleymom ini posted a short update on ian on this week's vigil thread:.
he's been in the hospital since march 16th.
alleymom, thanks so much for the update for us here. That`s excellent news that Ian is up & starting to move around again, go Ian!!!
by DevonMcBride in.
my thoughts are with you on your first birthday as a free person.
"Happy 18th Birthday Richie"!! you now have so many freedoms, congrats.!