I have an idea. Why don't a bunch of us get together.. we can make up a story about how we were walking in the woods and one of God's prohets appeared to us. He gave us the knowledge to write down the real truth (here we make up our own bible which will suit two purposes.. we will write according to OUR needs and we will tell people exactly what they want to hear. Then we get the book published and start our religion. We;ll get the show on the road within a year. Given the right kind of promotion and the right connections, we can be rich in about 10 years. To bypass the feelings of guilt which could develop in our minds, we make sure that the members of our church live the lives of good people, and we can include in the rules that they have to perform one good deed towards a stranger each month.
JoinedPosts by fairchild
Mormons celebrate 200 years
by oldflame injoseph smith founded the church in 1830, 10 years after he claimed to experience a vision of god and jesus in a grove of trees near his family home in palmyra, n.y. he also said an angel named moroni led him to a set of buried gold plates that contained the ancient records of christ's dealings with the inhabitants of the americas.
smith's translation of the plates became known as the book of mormon, the text on which mormons base their religion.. smith's original church had just six members, mostly his family, and only 5,000 copies of the book of mormon were published at first.
he sent out a handful of missionaries.. today mormonism has more than 12 million members half of them outside the united states.
So, Who is Enjoying a White Chirstmas Today?
by JH in.
we always have a white christmas here up north.
For the past two days the temps heve been unusually high, it has been 34F and some of the snow is starting to melt. To me, living with 6 months of snow each year, this is a wonderful Christmas present. Let it melt, let it melt, let it melt..
Which religion is right for you?
by seesthesky inyou scored as judaism.
your views are closest to those of judaism.
if you are not a jew, do more research on judaism and possibly consider becoming one; however, realize that conversion to judaism is difficult.
Mine was Christianity 75%
can't remember second one
third one was agnostic
Merry Christmas / Much Love to You All
by prophecor init's been a real joy to be around all of you this year.
i've gotten to know so many of you, personally and wish you all a happy holiday and a most enjoyable new year.
thanks to brenda cloutier & merry magdelene for the cards sent.
Merry Christmas to you as well, prop. May the light of Christmas shine all year long.
by Kristofer ini am brand new to this site and i am writing this for anyone that cares about the website that was shut down by the wtbs.
i thought it was one of the best sites i have ever come across and now it is no longer available.
last night i spent 3 hours copying most of it's info on my hard-drive into separate word documents and you can too!
Kristofer, welcome to JWD
reaper, a cached page only works for a few days, so chances are that you can't access them because they are gone now. Cached pages are created by crawlers who crawl websites every so many days. So when they crawled the quotes website it was still "open", but when they crawl his stie again, the cached pages will not show anything. You can try a different engine like google or MSN, because they all crawl on different times. But one way or another, as Kristofer said, cached pages are temporary and they won't last longer than just a few days, two weeks at the very most.
However, there are more ways than one to retrieve information from quote's website, even though it is not there anymore. I lost all the data on my website a few months ago, and in my crusade to hunt for my "lost" website, I found several ways to retrieve what's no longer there.
Anyone who wants information on this is free to send me a pm.
A Christmas Miracle
by fairchild insome of you who have bought my book might have noticed the quote by anne frank "i still believe that in spite of everything, people are truly good at heart".
today, i really believe that it is true.. christmas is usually a sad time for me.
i don't know my family.
I just finished the dishes. I cooked the roast, opened the beans (one of the million cans that were in the boxes, I also made mashed potatoes and gravy and I made abrosia for dessert with much of the fresh fruit that was given to me. I think it was the best Christmas meal I ever had. Even the cat is happy, I gave her a can of tuna and she purred her way through it.
Hubert, there are three hospitals in my area (well, they are down in the city, but I mean 3 hospitals within a 50 mile distance from here). Two of them have no problems with people paying what they can afford as long as they pay something. The third hospital however (the only one which is "religious") raises HELL if you don't pay your bills ASAP. They are known for their ruthlessness all over here, so usually people who don't have health insurance make sure to avoid this hospital. problem is that I had to have certain tests done which are only done in that particular hospital. I know the drill... they give you three months to pay your bill. Of course when a bill is high, sometimes it is not possible to pay it off in three months. You can apply for an extension for another three months, which involves a lot of paperwork, proof of income, etc.. etc... but they won't go over a total of 6 months. If the bill is not paid in 6 months they automatically send it to a collection agency. Of course, unless a miracle happens, I won't be able to pay my bill within 6 months, but I'm trying. On top of that I am also paying off on bills from the other hospital. My bills are up to $4,000 but I haven't received all of them yet.
Merry Xmas from New Zealand !!
by young hearts, be free.. in.
well, since we are the first ones to see christmas day.............happy christmas everyone on the forum, it's been a wonderful day so far with breakfast, wine, presents and great music.
i hope you all have a wonderful day too, when the 25th rolls around !!!!
Still Christmas eve here and the turkey roast is in the oven.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
What can we do about QUOTES.COM?
by Pistoff inwords fail me in describing my anger at the arrogance and truly evil scheming by the wt against quotes.
please discuss here how this site helped you, and what we can do to set up mirror sites from offshore isp's.. pm me if necessary.. quotes really helped me in my search, and i want it to be there for searchers.. .
and this is for you, ted jarascz.
Gosh, I was browsing around, trying to find out exactly which WT publications are in piblic domain. In my travels, I cam upon this site..
If I had any doubts in the past about the JWs NOT having the truth, then those doubts are completely gone now. I know this is a big chunk to read, but I promise it's worth it.
It sure would be interesting to pick out some things they quoted and twisted, make a list of them and send them to the magazines in question. All we need are the sources they quoted from and their own publications where they twisted the quotes around. To be quite honest, it would be worth the effort.
Then a mail can be sent to the magazines they quoted with a WT twist, and a request for them to publicly straighten out the quotes. Darn, that would be a hoot.
Christmas Eve, what are you doing tonight?
by JH in.
i might go over to my parents for a few hours, have dinner there, then come back here at my apartment in the evening and have a few beers and chips while i post.. i bought a christmas present for my cat...... new brand of high quality cat food which she tried and she loves..... http://www.royalcanin.ca/products/fn/indoor/mature_en.php.
Just staying home with the cat. I have a turkey roast which someone gave me, and it's in the oven as we speak. I'm also going to bake some bread.
JW Shunning is it really Biblical?
by greendawn inthe watchtower society has this practice of expelling and then shunning members for a number of reasons, often trivial, causing to the expelled a great deal of problems in the family, socially and psychologically.
but is there any real basis in the bible for this practice?
does it empower them as they claim, to expel people or are they once more twisting the scriptures to suit themselves?
This is my take on shunning.. Without realizing it, a lot of Christian practices have slipped into our daily habits and customs. As mentioned above, early christians did get shunned as well. But then there is Jesus, eating with sinners. I think it is a matter of common sense. We all know people we don't want to "hang out" with, often because they are up to no good and they are known to be trouble makers. So, almost unconsciously, we shun them.But to DF and shun a person because he or she smokes? Give me a break! What if a person gets addicted to drugs.. should they be shunned? I'd rather say they should be helped and know that they are loved. What if a person has a weak spot for porn? Whose business is that and how would this affect a fellow Christian? If this person keeps to himself what he does in his free time, how would it affect anyone? I think that should be something between him/her and Jehovah and should not be addressed by the elders or anyone else. They have taken shunning so far that it is no longer "Christian", it is downright cruel. A Christian attitude should be one of love, it should include an urge to help people, not to treat them like a piece of dirt.