Provided you are not a Jehovahs Witness, I agree with much of your reasoning .
I went from being a Jehovahs Witness , to an Evangelical trintarian Christian and now simply a Christian who refuses to be labled.
While I nolonger share the Witness views on Christ , I also do not share many of the Evangelical view either.
I think we need to watch we are not so sidetracked by debating the trinity , we actually forget about glorifying , praising and honouring Christ .
For me Jesus is the living son of God , and now partakes of the divine nature . He sits at the fathers right hand in glory - this glory conferred on him by God ( not shared) As God does not share his Glory with anyone . Also the fullness of God dwelling in Christ , does not make him God anymore than God in dwelling in every believer makes us God . Jesus is the perfect image/reflection of his Father God , just as Adam also called Gods son was before the fall. We have the same opportunity to become Gods sons and daughters , and to also be glorified alongside the his only begotten SON.