In my old congregation most people had some sort of pet. The only trouble they had was finding someone to care for them during conventions and assemblies. Since all their friends were dubbies, they were attending the same functions.
There was one older single sister who had a houseful of pets that others didn't want. She lavished as much love and care on them as others did their children (I always figured she was using them as a surrogate for the husband and children she had told me she wanted so desperately.)
Convention time came, and she didn't go. Elders were dispatched to speak with her, and she told them her reason. They really hammered her with guilt, but came up with no pratical solutions. (Typical.) In fact, she made it known that she would never accept a sheparding call from one particular elder from that time forward.
Lo and behold, at the next special needs talk, the PO spoke derisively of this problem. The poor sister was just in tears. I felt so bad for her.