JoinedPosts by TooOpinionated
Civil Rights Lawsuit Hits 6 Oregon Watchtower Leaders
by purplesofa inpurps.
civil rights lawsuit hits 6 oregon watchtower elders.
after xxxxxx sent a link off of, i found more information on this lawsuit filed december 3, 2008 in federal court in oregon.
Horrible conduct by congregation Elders at my cousin's funeral.............
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy cousin passed away last week from cancer at the age of 49. the cancer spread so fast it took our family by surpise.
we figured she had a couple of years instead of months.
she left 4 children(3 were baptised and 1 was disfellowshipped a couple of years ago).
I have seen this exact same treatment at our hall. A DF'd daughter's mother had died and was not spoken to, nor was invited to the meal afterwards. Her other 5 siblings just shrugged their shoulders and said that she knew what was going to happen if she came. (She even made the trip from Florida to Wisconsin, just to be shunned!!) I was on my way out then, but that event did alot to wake me up and get the strength to leave. I did not want to be associated with these people.
Blood Issue took my mom last night
by rwagoner inafter years of fighting a physical disability that ended in kidney failure and several bouts of respiratory/cardiac arrestmy mom landed in the hospital last week.
the doc's said she needed heart surgery and kidney transplants but before they could operate they need to get her blood count back up.
it had fallen well below what her body could naturally restore on its own she she needed transfusions.
I am so, so sorry for this. My deepest condolences. I am completely at a loss for words. And why not be there in full uniform? I would.
I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Teresa
"Good" JWs Are Like Terrorists
by minimus inthey don't care if they die, as long as it's for the cause.
they will zealously implement their agenda no matter how unreasonable or ignorant it is.
if "mother" told them to become martyrs, they follow the direction.
I've thought this for a very long time. Non-witnesses think I'm crazy when I say it, but I know it's true.
jw' s who make up their own holidays
by carla init amazes me still that jw's can make up their own holidays that most certainly revolve around people just as birthdays do and they think nothing of it.
my goodness!
all this 'people worship' going on!
I agree, Carla. When our children were born, it really hit home to me all that we were missing. I became a witness as an adult, so I knew how things were supposed to be. I tried to be like the other JW's and make special family days, etc, but they always felt flat and fake, and I would feel so low about it. I regret that I don't have any Baby's 1st Christmas pictures, christening, etc. like my folks had for us. I especially hate that the last few years of my grandparents' lives were spent heartbroken and bewildered because I wouldn't celebrate with them anymore, even though they had been with me through thick and thin. Thank goodness we are out now, and my kids have a normal life. But I still tear up that I can't go back and undo some things.
JW reaction to the visit of Silentlambs in France
by chasson in
google traduction:.
epinal, 1 october 2008 (afp) - 600 to 1,000 jehovah's witnesses in the vosges against accusations of pedophilia .
Thank you for this. I appreciate you keeping us up to date.