Thank you all for such a warm welcome. It's funny but after reading the boards for so long and seeing so many new ones welcomed I was worried that I might be the exception. No need to worry - it's amazing how similar many of our experiences are. Whenever I feel frustrated I'll re-read my welcome thread and feel better.
To PanicAttack: I started doubting about two years ago. I totally know where you are coming from. Every witness has things that are just not understood. But, we put that at the back of our minds and press on. One day it dawned on me that the governing body can make mistakes. I know it sounds dumb, I always knew they were imperfect, but somehow this realization was different. I figured I wasn't smart enough to know what mistakes, if any, had been made (doctrinally). So I began to read and read, and read some more. At some point in my searching I decided to buy Crisis of Conscience. Wow!! I was a nervous wreck. I was so nervous I drove over two hours from home to buy it and at that had a worldly friend use their credit card. She was very nice not to say "you're crazy" to me. Then it hit me....I am a grown person and I'm afraid to buy a book. For God's sake what is wrong with that!! I still hide the book - sad but true.
At this point I believe in some doctrines and don't believe in others. I don't believe in unity through coercion. I believe that the scriptures are correct - if more than two people gather to talk about Jesus and what he did for us, you'll receive the Holy Spirit. I don't care if it's a united, organized, efficiently timed meeting of people who all believe the exact same thing. I merely want to enjoy fellowship with people who enjoy studying the bible and discussing its application in our lives. Of course, doing the fade makes that impossible - you know "interfaith" and all that. In due time, in due time.