I bet that the ones who didn't get the AGM invitation and new bible won't be angry or jealous but will see it the other way around. They'll feel that they need to do more in order to qualify to be a part of the special group when something like this happens again. They react with the conditioning that the society has worked so hard to instill.
JoinedPosts by TheListener
The Real Aftermath of the AGM...Part 2
by raymond frantz infor the ones based in britain only the "few" were invited to attend the agm .they received their new grey bible and the rumor was that the new bible will not be available for the rest of the congragations until january .it was confirmed tonight .a letter was read as local announcement that the new bibles will not be available until the end of january for the rest of the congragation .all the in crowd were sat there with their new flashy bible looking smug.also the bible reading was read from the new bible to make it all the more obvious ..... the real aftermath of agm....
Beginning of Electronic Assemblies?
by Fading Begins indo you think this could have been an experiment to see how smoothly these events can be processed, and what the reaction is from the rank and file?
it would sure save a lot of money if events like this could replace at least the one day circuit assemblies.
there has to be some recognition that the "flock" is becoming weary and they don't have the funds to be travelling to these events.
Perhaps they'll just add this special weekend event each year to the schedule? So each year there will be a DC, SAD, CA and the AGM. It's a way of getting a few more donations by having an exciting event without requiring the dubs to stay overnight anywhere.
Personally I hope this meeting will replace one day of the DC or CA. Or maybe replace the SAD completely.
Now it's the Annual Meeting!
by stillin inas if circuit assemblies, district conventions, meetings, watchtower studies, special assembly days and bible studies weren't enough, now it's this!
aaa argh!.
Is the annual meeting going to be piped to the kingdom halls or do they dubs have to travel to an assembly hall?
Anyone else an Ex Bethel "volunteer"
by BackseatDevil ini was wondering if there were any other ex-bethelites on here.
i personally regularly went for temporary work at brooklyn then was assigned to the farm for a year and a half.
it was... one of the most bizaare experiences of my life.. so i wrote it all down (finally, after some 15 years) so i won't bore anyone on here with the details of the story - because bethel doesn't show up until chapter 15... and for you straight folks, it gets a bit gay in two places... but nothing gross.
Backseat...you have a PM
Anyone else an Ex Bethel "volunteer"
by BackseatDevil ini was wondering if there were any other ex-bethelites on here.
i personally regularly went for temporary work at brooklyn then was assigned to the farm for a year and a half.
it was... one of the most bizaare experiences of my life.. so i wrote it all down (finally, after some 15 years) so i won't bore anyone on here with the details of the story - because bethel doesn't show up until chapter 15... and for you straight folks, it gets a bit gay in two places... but nothing gross.
Backseat - ater reading everyone's posts I am really looking forward to reading your book.
It seems that we walked the halls of B Building and E Building at the same time.
Just wanted to add that if you were a witness and have discovered the TTATT and have been succesful in keeping your kids free then be prepared for your believing spouse to blame everything that goes wrong with your children on the fact that you no longer believe and that the kids are following your example.
You sort of become the lightning rod for everything that may go wrong in your spouse's life as well as the kids.
If you know and understand that fact it will hopefully keep you from overreacting when it occurs.
Keep in mind the very real situations which many of us face. Like after school activities, dances, skirt length, tv shows, worldly friends and on and on and on. Kids are bound to push boundaries and that can put the non witness spouse right in the line of fire.
I have gotten by so far by remembering that i am doing this for the kids sake not just now but for the restof their lives and that my emotional discomfort is the price I am paying for their freedom.
Book: Two Babylons - anyone read it ?
by *lost* in.
hi has anyone read this book.
what did you think ?.
A rebuttal book by Ralph Woodrow "The Babylon Connection?" is available on Amazon.
Ralph Woodrow was a Hislop wannabe and wrote a book called "Babylon Myster Religion" which was in the same line of thought as The Two Babylons. It wasn't until Ralph was questioned by a science teacher and had to back up his data that he realized just how many gross assumptions he made (as well as Hislop). Then he wrote "The Babylon Connection?" to clarify and make right what he could.
Civil War Looming in US...
by chapstick indhs is preparing for civil war with american citizens.... http://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=1502603183&action=showletter&box=inbox&umid=2_0_0_1_1900580_ao7shkgaacosuww6lq3ylgn3j0e#mail.
Or we're not all as selfish and heartless as some would like to think.
From my own experience with my kids (and a JW wife). Non-JW activities and friends. plus talk about unconditional love (and mean it) and teach them how to think for themselves. One way I did that was to discuss some of the commercials especially aimed at kids and to briefly talk to them about how one-sided they are. I even bought a few items that I knew would be duds but the kids just couldn't see through the commericals - they did once they tried to use the things. I also explained that people that have all the answers - don't.
I wish you the best of luck. It can be so stressful at times. I'm glad your husband isn't real active right now. But, please be ready for him to swing back n forth like a pendulum.
by SkyGreen inthe husband just gave me the new march km (im using it folded up as a coaster at the moment) and a new "blood card" to complete, along with a copy of a set of instructions for how to fill it out and a letter from wts to every baptised publisher.
i said to him "i wont be needing that" and gave it back to him, and he just said, well just throw it out then - no overreaction yay :o) without telling him, about a month ago, (i tore up my existing no blood directive.
our kids have never carried around "identity cards" we were never that diligent about it).
I remember feeling oh so gulty about shredding mine and oh so free once it was done. What a crock!