JoinedPosts by TheListener
Governing Body
by Daym123 inhello,.
i am currently in a discussion with a jw about the governing body.. i have read alot of articles regarding it, however whenever i bring up what i have read, i am refuted with scripture, such as acts 15, where they say there was a governing body, who sent out elders and men etc.. does anyone have a website that i may not know of, that has answers to what they refute with?
or any help here or good thought provoking questions to respond with would be much appreciated.. thank you kindly.
Daym, one thing that helped me was learning that Paul and his companions were sent out from Antioch and not Jerusalem. They operated as separate churches for a lot of things. There is good research on the net about the first century christians not being centralized. I also believe, but may be mistaken, that Leolaia (an older poster here) covered this very well a few years ago. If you can find her old posts (or someone elses) you may get the help you need. -
Crises of conscience
by Deltawave ini have just read the book crises of conscience in less than 3days!
i could not put it down!
even in front of my jw wife and her family.
It took me longer to read it because I hid it in my car trunk and read it when I would pull over to a parking lot for a little bit each day on my way home from work. I was scared stiff that someone from the hall would see me. That book really helped me organize my thoughts in my early days of researching my belief system. -
I may have a friend
by Defianttruth inokay, i am almost forty and outside of my wife i haven't had a friend in decades.
sure i have tons of people with whom i am friendly towards, but they all share something to do with work or business.
i remember thinking last year i had no one who called just to talk.
Great thread! I had trouble making friends after leaving the organization too. Like the rest of you I spend my time at work or with my family. I don't have much free time for friends. But, over the past several years I have been able to make 2 or 3 good friends that I can call and chat with and even go for a beer with and just talk. It feels great to have someone to discuss stuff with and not be judged. -
New June broadcast is out.....oh what joys will be unleashed on everyone?
by stuckinarut2 inanyone watched the june broadcast?.
i can't be stuffed.....but i'm interested in any wtf content.....
My kids did mention to me privately that they felt the videos were designed to trick them into being witnesses and they felt that was wrong. They have non-witness friends and don't buy into the dub stereotype about worldly people. -
Special Convention 2015 Welcome Belgium
by wheelwithinwheel in
Yuck -
OMG, I’m gonna get Old and Die.
by John Aquila inwhen it finally clicked,.
and you realized there was no 1914, there was no generation that would see the end of a wicked system, there was no paradise around the corner, .
what went through you mind?.
When I was a dub and had a bad day at work or with family I always knew it was only temporary and it thinking about the new system would give me a good feeling. It helped me put things in perspective.
Now that I am out I don't get that emotional high that I experienced. But, I don't miss it. I would rather know TTATT. I am enjoying my life and making decisions to make it the best life I can.
The Reason Why Jehovah's Witnesses Will Never Prosper Is The Children
by minimus ini believe that the religion will remain stagnant due to their achilles heel, the kids, the children, that next generation.. most of them really don't wa t to be in the religion.
the parents may have tried everything within their power to make the kids love jehovah but we all know you can't force someone to love you and you can't make a grown person stay in a relationship or situation if they really don't want to be there..
I've found that the majority of kids pretty much believe what their parents teach them. Republican parent - republican kid; democrat parent - democrat kid. Same with religion. Kids believe it all and its all they know because they are separated from worldly kids as much as possible.
But, once they get older and actually get questions from people that they can't answer or comments from people that make them think then maybe they'll wake up and realize it's a cult or at least a high control group.
New June broadcast is out.....oh what joys will be unleashed on everyone?
by stuckinarut2 inanyone watched the june broadcast?.
i can't be stuffed.....but i'm interested in any wtf content.....
My kids said the videos my wife had them watch were super overdone and really dorky. They also told her that and told her the dramas were just weird and sort of sad in an over the top dramatic way. Kids can be cruel and they didn't pull any punches in laughing at the society's videos.
Before hearing that direct feedback my wife used to talk about the dramas and videos for teens and how helpful they were. Since the direct feedback of the kids, not coached by me at all, there is no mention of either thing anymore.
Thoughts on Convention Released Video: "What is True Love"
by Blackfalcon98 inso, the new releases are on the website, anyone seen the new video release?
what were your thoughts of this rehashed drama from a few conventions ago?
Boring and cheesey. They are trying too hard to appear normal while still using so much loaded language and pressure.
Oh, and it's waaaaay to long.
New to the site
by LexIsFree inmy name is alex.
i have been a reader/lurker of this site for over a year now.
first time i am posting.
Welcome LexIsFree. I am really glad you made it here and posted. I wish you all the best on your journey.