The society had a form of sunday school many many years ago. They abandoned it in part because they wanted to the families to attend all the meetings together. Blondie or someone may have the references to it.
I agree with the poster who said that a few years ago I would have laughed at the idea of them having a sunday school or something similar. Now, I could definitely see it happening. But, I think that the more they get into the lives of the children the more it will backfire as the kids age.
I just watched a few minutes of the 2015 RC program on another thread and can't imagine an intelligent motivated teenager hanging around that crap too long. The only reason I could see for a teenager to stay in is because the majority of their friends and parents are in and it's all they know. That's probably why college is so looked down on. It opens the kids up to new experiences and new friends and that gives them the strength to leave the WTS.