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AUSTRALIA | Day 1 - Child Abuse Royal Commission - Documents
by jwleaks indocuments relating to the child abuse royal commission into jehovah's witnesses - direct download .
day 1 - 27 july 2015. opening statement by counsel assisting the royal commission - this document contains all the facts and figures.
witness list - this document lists the scope of each witness testimony.
What can the Commission do to the witness organization or individuals as a result of the information they gain? -
Update on Royal Commission
by umbertoecho inpaedophiles repeatedly promoted to positions of authority in jehovahs witness church royal commission told.
1 hour ago july 27, 2015 12:45pm.
counsel assisting the royal commission, angus stewart sc has told the royal commission that church elders could now face criminal charges.
I hope so much this breaks into the american mainstream news. -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
I always felt bad for the new boys who would come to bethel and had girlfriends back in their home congregation or gained a girlfriend quickly after coming to bethel and felt stressed out their entire first year obligation and then left as quick as they could. They were miserable most of the time.
And truth is that with all the stress and weird things that go on at bethel it could be a lot of fun. Lots of young guys in a pressured environment meant lots of nerdy rule breaking and trying to get away with stuff. It was a very "us against them" mentality with the younger ones and the heavies. At least that was my experience.
Potential for new meeting?
by campaign of hate ini've mentioned it in a few threads, but i'd like to make it a thread of it's own.. i'm going to make the prediction the gb will schedule a new meeting once a month, starting in jan 2016, for watching the jw broadcasting program.
at the moment it's up to each cong to organize a viewing, but soon the gb will take over the arrangements.. i make this assumption based on the fact that they know that a substantial quantity of pubs are not tuning in every month.. by scheduling a meeting once a month, it's easier for the gb/elders/organisation to gauge how many people are watching, and to make sure everyone is fully indoctrinated with what the gb are saying.
it will also keep the rank and file busy busy busy.. if i was a cult leader, that's what i would do.
Oh man a video WT study would be horrible. Very boring. I hated that WT study each week at bethel.
I thought about the split talk just once a month so the GB could show their face and power but still maintain a bit of mystery. But, you're right that they are egocentric and probably wouldn't want to share the stage.
My spouse and some of her dub friends love the fact that the GB is more public and out there. They feel it makes them so much more human and accessible. They also love how funny the GB members are and how down to earth they sound when giving parts. [insert puking icon here]
Angelo Catanzaro
by Room 215 ini recently heard angelo catanzaro, a rather prominent figure in the organization .. a long-time district overseer and a favorite of knorr's, died recently.
there was some indication that he and his wife figured out ttatt in their latter years and turned "apostate"... .
does anyone out there know what happened to them?
It was on a thread a few years ago, which must have been on another board. I can't seem to locate it so consider it probably incorrect. The last mention I was able to find for Angelo was his 2010 AGM prayer. -
Potential for new meeting?
by campaign of hate ini've mentioned it in a few threads, but i'd like to make it a thread of it's own.. i'm going to make the prediction the gb will schedule a new meeting once a month, starting in jan 2016, for watching the jw broadcasting program.
at the moment it's up to each cong to organize a viewing, but soon the gb will take over the arrangements.. i make this assumption based on the fact that they know that a substantial quantity of pubs are not tuning in every month.. by scheduling a meeting once a month, it's easier for the gb/elders/organisation to gauge how many people are watching, and to make sure everyone is fully indoctrinated with what the gb are saying.
it will also keep the rank and file busy busy busy.. if i was a cult leader, that's what i would do.
I think a video talk is going to happen as well. I have already heard some dubs say they would like to have that. They think it would be "cool" to have the GB or or bethel heavy give a Sunday talk.
I think attendance will go very high for awhile but once it becomes the normal procedure the apathy will set back in.
Or maybe they'll split the public talk into two parts. One part by a local brother and the other a video message from headquarters.
Angelo Catanzaro
by Room 215 ini recently heard angelo catanzaro, a rather prominent figure in the organization .. a long-time district overseer and a favorite of knorr's, died recently.
there was some indication that he and his wife figured out ttatt in their latter years and turned "apostate"... .
does anyone out there know what happened to them?
I thought I read a few years ago that Angelo also learned the TTATT. Don't know where I read that though. -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
Wannaexit said,
My one and only experience from Bethel was when I was visiting someone there, and this person made me a tuna sandwich from tuna and bread from the commissary. The thing was unedible just about chocked and almost needed a Heimlech maneuver.
As a former bethelite I am pretty sure giving you the Heimlich or something sort-of-like the Heimlich was the plan .
So much "growth"! JW Land double sided coin
by thedepressedsoul ini'm finding it more and more funny how every wt article for the public or congregation, including jw broadcast talks about all this "growth" and how fast jehovha's organization is speeding up!
yet everything behind closed doors, insider information, elder letters and sales paint a very different picture.
i have news for you gb members!
I'd rather be depressed and knowledgeable then blissfully unaware. So for that thanks guys.
Band Green Day and JWs
by hardtobeme ina few years ago i heard of a story about two jw's being at a green day concert.
i think that the witnesses were bethelites.
the person that told me that story said that the band was about to play but they couldn't.
It reinforces the fact they they believe they are "special" in God's eyes and are special targets of Satan's wrath.