JoinedPosts by TheListener
JW Table at My Student Center Today, My Response
by breakfast of champions inthey're baaaack!!!
jws "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months.
i wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
Awesome job!!! -
Fighting about college
by cognac inmy nephew is a sweet, smart, thoughtful person.
he wants to go to college.. normally, a mom would be proud to have a son like this.. nope, not a friggin jw mom.
apparently, he's being selfish to both her and jehovah.
Cognac, can you help by showing your nephew how to look for scholarships online? Also, his high school probably has lots of scholarship information and most high schools use a website that keeps track of their SAT scores and lets them search for potential schools. Maybe you can convince his mother to fill out the free FAFSA form which would help him quality, maybe, for financial aid.
You're a great aunt but it's really unfortunate that his mother's desire to keep him away from college may put more work on you if you decide you can help out.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
I don't know what it is but anything with the word hijacking in it sounds baaaaad.
I really think simpler is better. A well named Wi-Fi signal will let like minded ones know they are not alone and true believers worried in their seats.
Did Jesus really die on a cross?
by macys inbeing raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
While I personally don't care, my loved ones think this is a big deal so being able to discuss it with them and make solid scriptural and historical points is important. Well, was important, we don't have those types of discussions anymore.
Leolaia's thread was the best and most complete thread on this subject I've read.
Hague court stops tax free status for Scientologists
by GoneAwol in
from the article -"the dutch branch of the church of scientology has lost its tax status as public welfare institution, and the tax benefits that go along with it, in a ruling made by the court in the hague on wednesday.
the court decided that the sales of the churchs expensive courses and therapy sessions are clearly aimed at making a profit, and thus it does not belong on the tax authorities charity list.".
I agree that any church money or property not directly used for charitable works should be taxed. That would include taxing support staff office buildings and complexes. -
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
Would it be possible to have a strong enough signal that you could sit in a car in the lot or on the street?
That way anyone could do it at any assembly or convention and not have to actually attend.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
I love the idea of just having a Wi-Fi signal labelled with a specific phrase or website as a quiet protest which unlike the apostates with signs out front will allow witnesses to research things without anyone knowing.
Not that signs and protests are in themselves bad.
I love the fact that this is already going on.
My First Birthday.....
by The Marvster ini awoken today and realised immidiately i'm 44 today... and after 3 years of being out, decided to acknowledge my birthday.... i'm off out to treat myself to a big hearty breakfast with cup of tea in the local weatherspoon's by the massive pond full of weird bird-life, later today i'm giving myself a gift of a 90 minute relaxation session in a float tank down by canary wharf in london.... only really have 2 close friends (it's a slow process trusting people agian) and they probably won't be able to see me today, but i'm sure i'll have a belated surprise from them both.... the first thing i did when i remembered was to rush to the computer, connect to the web and put on stevie wonder's 'happy birthday', as i listen to it, tears stream down my face... all those years of my life stolen ' but..... i'm free....'.
Happy Birthday!! Enjoy Canary Wharf and the float tank. -
Mark Sanderson Background and Warwick
by TakeOffTheCrown inmark sanderson - here is some insight on his background taken from this site:.
congratulations, mark!.
To done4good and your question about those who collect WT literature. There are a lot of old timer bethelute or those near bethel who are serious WT memorabilia collectors. They have books, magazines, phonographs, and everything else you can think of. They even loan them to the WTS once in awhile if needed for a photo shoot or some display.
In my book it's a weird hobby but to the one guy I asked about it, it is keeping track of jehovahs chariot for future generations,
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
That's great konceptual. If this gets to be more common there will be announcements and that will be unsettling to the rank and file. What they consider wolves in their midst.
I am not surprised people were using it. No doubt some oblivious (or cheap) witnesses and some apostates.