OEJ, you're right, if memory serves me right a person that hears the "truth" but doesn't accept it and dies at armageddon - is done done done. If a person never heard the "truth" and dies at armageddon - they get resurrected.
Clear as mud.
so on monday when i went to pick up my son from my mom i noticed a framed print out of a poem on my moms living room.
it was in spanish but i read it and i was kind of surprised at what it said.
i don't remember it verbatim but i would go as far as to say it had some apostate factors in there.
OEJ, you're right, if memory serves me right a person that hears the "truth" but doesn't accept it and dies at armageddon - is done done done. If a person never heard the "truth" and dies at armageddon - they get resurrected.
Clear as mud.
so on monday when i went to pick up my son from my mom i noticed a framed print out of a poem on my moms living room.
it was in spanish but i read it and i was kind of surprised at what it said.
i don't remember it verbatim but i would go as far as to say it had some apostate factors in there.
In my opinion there is a difference between the actual teaching and how most dubs rationalize it in their lives.
My wife would never agree that only witnesses will survive to the new system but she wouldn't disagree with the WTS viewpoint either. Weird right?
Maybe the lady that rejected his door knocking efforts did die at armageddon and was resurrected? That would fit dub theology.
by all accounts this video has gone viral on the internet ,generating much discussion as to the appropriateness or not, of this subject in a religous forum for the deaf people,which can also be veiwed by anybody else on the official website , jw.orb....deaf sign language....gods way is love.....scroll down to #22 and their you have it.
why did they do it in the first place.. the bible in christendom is generally accepted as being 66 books in total in protestant circles , catholic , eastern orthodox , etc .have a few more that they may refer to.
these writings are in general accepted as the inspired word of god given to his people over a period of some thousands of years .. in all these inspired writings over thousands of years has their ever been anything specifily stated ,condemning masturbation as a sin or anything wrong about it .. if the almighty god didn`t see the need to comment on the subject who are the wtb&ts to make a video about it .. and lets look at a few facts here:.
OMG!! That article is unreal. I've got to find my old bound volumes to see that in print. It actually says "sex interview" hahahaha I can't stop laughing.
I agree it sounds as if the WT is saying that masturbation, at least for a girl, would be ok - at least back then.
the last 2 tuesdays one of my fellow workers would step out for 2 hours.
tonight he came back with a wt book in spanish .
i worked with his this man year and never knew he was a jw.. i went into how the wt lied to the mexician gov't just to own the land of the kh's .
can enyone explane why someone who's dissfelowshipt said they now belve in evolution has anyone heard this explane please
OK it was this thread: Thread on WT and Evolution
can enyone explane why someone who's dissfelowshipt said they now belve in evolution has anyone heard this explane please
can enyone explane why someone who's dissfelowshipt said they now belve in evolution has anyone heard this explane please
I thought evolution was foolishness. Now I see that even the WTS agrees that plants and animals evolve to suit their natural environment; they just don't use the word evolution.
with the layoffs of bethelites and special pioneers, does anyone know if they get some sort of "redundancy" payout?
i know there was another thread about halloween, and i was going to post on it.
but, thought i wanted to make a couple of points on mine.
so.... here it is.. i took my 11 year old trick or treating this year.
we are madly in love with each other and she is in the process of being divorced.
let me make one thing clear i'm not the reason for the divorce.
she attempted to reconcile with him but to no avail.