JoinedPosts by TheListener
"super-pioneer" (attempted "funny" parody video..)
by stuckinarut2 in
oh dear.......
Imagine he has to fight the temptation on the internet every single time he goes to jw dot org. He will not win that fight. His hormones will beat him in the end. -
They took all the circuit's money!
by BackSlider induring the assembly they made an announcement about contributions and as always mentioned how expenses outnumbered the contributions so far and we are at a deficit of $6700 or so.
however, they then said that our money on hand in savings for the circuit was $51,000 and that they voted and will be sending $45,000 of it to the society.
who voted?
I agree with previous posters. The average dubs do notice that the cash is being grabbed, at least the few I hear talking when I'm with my wife. They believe the end is near and the money is required to make it to the finish line.
Why God needs money is beyond me.
Once the accounts are cleaned out I don't see the average circuit or congregation building up that kind of cash reserve again. Especially as the end doesn't come and the dubs are scratching their heads about there being no end and no money.
Jeb Bush would kill a baby !
by Simon inok, specifically he was talking about hitler.
apparently he was asked whether, if he could go back in time, he would kill him when he was a baby.. and he said "hell yeah !".
but still wtf?
Wait, have you seen a recent picture of his mother? Are we talking young motherF#%@! or old motherF@#!!#%?
JWs have more good points than bad
by lsw1961 in1) many who were on the destructive path have been transformed by their teachings (this includes me who was once vicious, and presumptuous and atheistic).
2) equal monthly pay to all members of the bethel community regardless of whether they are bc members or sweepers.
this is something that still remains as an unattainable dream for the world.
Welcome LSW, glad you posted. What else do you disagree with the WTS about? I'm always curious about how current JWs feel about things. -
Do You Think 10% Tithing is Coming?
by xjwsrock infirstly, there are cash flow problems in wt town.
i don't think it's necessary to list all the cutbacks and layoffs, but there have been many.. their thirst for money seems higher too in my opinion.
more entitled may be a better way of putting it.
I don't see how they could do it and actually expect to receive the money. A lot of jw families contain an unbelieving mates. It's doubtful that an unbelieving mate, male or female, would accept their spouse giving 10% of their income to the WTS.
Plus as others have said most dubs don't have much money so why upset your followers with tithing when you won't really get much out of it.
The WTS is probably better off just beating the money drum more regularly than they used to. Show some emotionally charged videos and look really sad. The money will come in from those that have it.
Jeb Bush would kill a baby !
by Simon inok, specifically he was talking about hitler.
apparently he was asked whether, if he could go back in time, he would kill him when he was a baby.. and he said "hell yeah !".
but still wtf?
Stupid question; Jeb should have said so. Or maybe he should have said "you yourself have said it" -
Refused to go to meeting wife broke frying pan on my SHE is inactive 4 years my advice!!!
by Witness 007 inmy wife is a stubborn stubborn woman.
when we got the internet in 1998 i slowly faded due to trying to prove apostates are lairs and scum...only to find they told nothing but "the truth.
" every qoute was checked and re-checked.
Thanks for sharing that story. It was very funny to me. Glad your wife curses. That's the best kind of wife. -
Too Much Discontent in Congregation Part 1
by Simon Templar ini am seeing and hearing many, many long-time jws openly expressing problems with either the watchtower society itself, the publications, changing doctrine, incorrectly living their lives as a result of bad doctrine, the behavior of the boe and other related things.
i will share some of these things in several posts, because there are just too many of them.
the complaints that i hear from publishers and pioneers are many.
Did the older lady really drop the F word? If so she's more rogue than you know. -
Reason of financial problems WTS
by Gorbatchov ina non-witness insider told me this week that the wts has financial problems.
that lead to halting down their building plans and lay off the special pioneers and.
bethelites.. the reason of the financial stagnation is beside some bad investments,.
The organization must cost a fortune to run. Just the paperwork alone for so many different countries. Plus all the supplies and maintenance for the many many properties. Why do we think they might be rich? They must spend a fortune managing what they own and figuring how to keep the whole thing moving forward. The more they buy and build the more it takes to keep it maintained. -
A question
by JeffT inhas anybody ever written bethel and just flat out asked for an accounting report on the society's finances?
we all keep batting around speculation about the wtbs and money, and actual information seems non-existent.
what would they do if somebody asked for a financial statement?
I want to know where the money goes and has gone. My wife still donates and as a married couple that is my money too. Plus, I'm nosey and as someone who was raised as a witness with 99% witness relatives - I want to know about the money.