Ha Ha. I may actually get beyond newbie with all of the new ones joining. My posting has increased due to the new ones.
Welcome all.
just a bit of a rant here.
i don't know about you guys & gals...but i can hardly keep up with all the posts and new ones joining us in this forum of excellence!
i mean, man oh man...i'm getting stressed here with the pressure to read all the posts and greet new ones and when i don't greet new ones or respond to posts...i feel so guilty.
Ha Ha. I may actually get beyond newbie with all of the new ones joining. My posting has increased due to the new ones.
Welcome all.
eventually, i believe that if an inactive person refuses to talk to elders, stops all meetings and service and might create any possible problem to the local congregation, that they might be loopholed into showing themselves as having "disassociating" themselves.
it would be an easy way to get rid of deadweights that can cause more harm than good in the congregation.
I agree that it is possible that they are setting the stage for a future housecleaning effort. We'll know more after the next km school in oct/nov.
i ran into an old elder buddy recently and we got talking.. to put it simply, i don't know how he does it!
- that is, i don't know how he continues to be an elder when i consider.
what he knows about.. he knows about the bulgarian compromise.
Ok so it would appear that cognitive dissonance could/would make someone physically ill or depressed? - right.
to get about 30,000 people baptized during the service year the dubs need to dunk about 2,500 people a month.
i've been following their dunking numbers with the kms and they are about on, maybe a little low.
i've also noticed that the overall number of u.s. dubs isn't really increasing too much even with the new dunkees.
To get about 30,000 people baptized during the service year the dubs need to dunk about 2,500 people a month. I've been following their dunking numbers with the kms and they are about on, maybe a little low. I've also noticed that the overall number of U.S. dubs isn't really increasing too much even with the new dunkees. I am interested in following this to see if the average pub. will ever break the million mark (so far only the peak has done so).
Does anyone have a chart that they can post or IM me that lists the U.S. publisher dunkee amount on a monthly basis?
i ran into an old elder buddy recently and we got talking.. to put it simply, i don't know how he does it!
- that is, i don't know how he continues to be an elder when i consider.
what he knows about.. he knows about the bulgarian compromise.
If he's like some elders I've known and know it's all about the most basic belief that even with all the wrongs, the society still represents Jehovah and it will all be alright in the end.
I believe itj's called cognitive dissonance. Although I'm not sure if I still completely understand the term.
i remember back in the mid 90's seemed like, my non-jw step-sister told me her jw mother said at some time all jws could be asked to eat a certain diet or perhaps move to a certain place in preperation for the big a.
anyone else hear of anything like that?
just curious.
In the early to mid 90s there was talk of how much we are to submit to theocratic rule. One of the things mentioned from time to time from the platform was whether we would go somewhere if directed, eat certain foods if directed or buy/sell our household goods if directed. All of this was mentioned as "what-ifs" for the coming of armageddon. It wasn't a we will do this but a "what will each of you publishers do?" type of thing. As far as I know it was a purely platform thing not necessarily a WT or AW type of thing.
let's face it, it seems like a simplification of the df process as many of you have already mentioned.. within the 6 million or so jw worldwide, there has to be a good number of ppl that are on the fringes of being dfed.
in the past, it took time to technically df these ppl because of the no-shows at judicial hearings and appeals.
also dfing a person can be delayed when no actual proof can be provided of the sin committed.
As far the elder body in my hall we are all in agreement that nothing has changed except the way we'll announce a DF/DA from the platform. It appears that this will have the effect of hiding how many people actually leave of their own accord and how many are kicked out. It will seem like everyone is kicked out (because that's what die hard dubs want to think).
It won't be anymore dificult or any easier for us (as elders) to boot someone. Before 3/20 we could claim that someone disasociated themselves by joining an org. or doing something contrary to WT rules. We can still do so. We have never needed to have the wrongdoer present for a judicial meeting. A verbal invitation by one elder would be enough.
Can the rules be applied unfairly? Absolutely! Have they? Absolutely! And guess what? They will continue to be applied unfairly. Each elder body has its own personality. If they were dictatorial before this updated publication was released they will continue to be.
OOps! I see someone had this same idea on another thread.
i was born into the jw religion for 16 years.
7 years after i left, i accepted christ as my personal savior.
best move yet!
Welcome Checkmate. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
during a dinner conversation with a loyal jw, he mentioned that the society seems to be making stronger statements to jw's.
he mentioned the "keep on the watch" brochure, and how it seemed to be for jw's as well as the public.
he acknowledged the "personal questions" the society were asking us, in the brochure - how pointed and direct they are, even asking you to rank your physical and spiritual activities on a scale of 1 to 10. .
Great posts.
I hope my family ends up in the liberal dub religion.
yesterday i had a bad day.
i know what depression means now.
not so sad, not so mad.
PurpleSofa, you'll be in my prayers. I hope you read everyone's replies because they are wonderful. The people on this board are amazing and wonderful (well, most of them).