El_Guapo, I agree with others. Avoid the CO. That shouldn't be hard to do if you are working.
I have noticed something though. A fade implies a gradual slowing down of all the typical JW activities. Stepping aside due to medical or mental reasons will pass the sniff test if you are doing your best (in their eyes) to maintain your other spiritual activities. Each step of the fade takes time. If you rush the fade it makes the elders suspicious and turns them into bloodhounds.
I can't begin to tell you what to do in your situation. For me, I spoke with two elders a few times about stepping aside and had to say all the typical JW stuff to get through it. I still went to meetings and service but I slowly made myself scarcer and scarcer. Eventually I was able to disappear completely and not even warrant a shepherding call.
Of course, each body of elders is different and some just never let something like this go.
I'm glad your wife is at least being understanding. Keep your spirits high because JW spouses tend to go hot and cold about stuff like this.
Good luck.